Reviews policy


I had posted a couple of reviews so far, with the intention of posting more as is appropriate. The one I posted regarding the Pebble card printer appears to have been deleted... Was there something wrong with it, or is there a new policy that "old" reviews get deleted?

I would prefer they stay there forever because often times they show up on web searches when other people are researching. I find real reviews invaluable when making decisions.

I'm also much less likely to post reviews if I know they will eventually get deleted... :(
Gah! You're right! Is the default behavior of the Reviews forum to show only posts from the last month or something? Is this different from any other forum? The thing that tripped me up was that the page clearly said "Showing threads 1 to 3 of 3".
Seems to be the forum default. I don't see a way of changing for just that forum.