running app from commandline, and then close the terminal



it must be possible:

run some app from the commandline, using an argument that makes it possible that the app runs on it's own, so i can close the terminal-session, without shutting down the app.

how do i do that?
You mean like backgrounding?

Try placing a space and the character '&' after the terminal command:
> ./someapp arg1 arg2 &
That will force the program into the background. You can bring it back to the foreground by typing the command "fg". I think backgrounding a process will let you close the Terminal window and keep the process in execution.
i think the ampersand indeed puts the process to the background, so that that you get your promt back, and can do other stuff in the same terminal-session, but you can't close the window.

i think i've seen someone do this once.. but i forgot..

thanks anyway.
...If it's a "normal" mac app, say, you could do this:

open /Applications/ && exit