Thanks VirtualTracy for the explanation!
True, when Terminal opened, it "went to town" in a hurry doing something, but since I didn't notice anything, I didn't have a clue. (oh, and I did think I was supposed to type in my password in Terminal first, which I did, so maybe it did something totally unrelated, lol. But I think I ran it a 2nd time w/o doing password).
What I DID see in the Terminal flashing-by-text was the dreaded .DS_Store phrase, and I thought,
Uh Oh! I sure hope it doesn't make those dang miserable invisible files show up! (been there, done that!)
Anyway, I didn't notice if it ever said Completed or not... I thought it wasn't working correctly, so I trashed that program.

I guess it really doesn't matter if my bookmarks are alphabetical or not, as I usually put them in the order I use them the most.
But thank you just the same!!
I was hoping, though, that that little program might just CLOSE all the folders in the process, lol:
- Safari 3.2.1 Menu >>
- Bookmarks >>
- Add Bookmark >>
- Bookmarks Bar drop-down menu >>
( << In there is where I want to have all the nested folders inside my "Main" 25 folders all CLOSED, and it would be nice if they had arrows next to each of the Main Folders so I could "scan out" to choose the appropriate Subfolder to place the "New" bookmark).
If you know or come across any tips on that, it would be greatly appreciated. Usually I can find an answer to almost anything on the planet by simply googling, but I've batted zero the past few hours on this one!
Thanks again!