Safari URL Bar Annoyance


does anyone else notice this? If so, do you find it annoying? If so, do you know how to fix it?
When I click on the URL bar, it just puts a cursor in betweent the words. Most of the time I want to type in a completely new address, not edit the old address. Even more annoyingly, Safari automatically fills in the rest of an address while I am typing it. For example, if I want to see what the news is, I type but Safari adds slashes and words to take me to the last news story I visited yesterday. If I want to see what's new on Versiontracker, Safari does me the *favor* of taking me to the last thing I downloaded. I love Safari but I hate, hate, hate this feature. In this respect IE is so much better even though it sucks in all other respects.
command-L highlights the entire url in the bar, that's handy for typing in a new address.

as for the url bar auto complete, i agree it's annoying. i haven't found a way around it...
I've been trying to figure this one out too. For an example, if I start typing in:

www.macosx.c ...

then it will autocomplete with:

or some other address I don't want, even though the address

... is at the top of the list. In fact, I'm almost invariably looking for the first one I visited, not the last.

I much prefer the traditional autocomplete methods used by Mozilla et al.
I also find this annoying. I'll give you a more frustrating part of auto-complete.

I have an address on the site I administrate. The URL is something like this:

The URL is CASE SENSITIVE! So one time I attempted to end the URL with "somethingelse" rather then "somethingElse" and ever since then Safari is convinced that this is the URL I want... I enter the entire address manually and just before I hit return it changes it. In fact Safari changes this address before my return key can be pressed. I have had to resort to using another browser JUST FOR THAT ONE PAGE!!!!

In most cases, however, just get in the habit of hitting delete then return when you see the auto-complete happening. It's a quick workaround until you can find out how to turn it off.

This is not a Safari specific feature however, Explorer and many other browsers do the exact same thing.
If you just click on the little icon on the left of the URL, it will highlight the URL for a new address..WALT
So in other words, there is no easy way to turn it off? I know that Safari draws on the existing bookmark list for auto-complete as well, right?
Originally posted by alphap1us
does anyone else notice this? If so, do you find it annoying? If so, do you know how to fix it?
When I click on the URL bar, it just puts a cursor in betweent the words.

I don't have a fix, but a decent work-around is to triple-click the address, thus highlighting the whole thing.
personally i love the way safari autocompletes. i more often want to go back to the last page rather than the beginning fo a site. i can find the page i want to go to that is 4-5 clicks into the site easily and skip having to renavigate there. and the thing is, the shorter versions are always in the list of choices if you want them. how hard is it to move your mouse down the list and choose the one you want?

however, and i'm not sure since i've never wanted to do this, i believe that deleting the caches will give you a blank history. there are several free tools for doing this. i know that Maintain Your Mac will clear safari caches.