Screen Save and Dock are acting up in 10.2


Okay, this is way weird. I've not made any serious modifications or updates to my OS and all of the sudden the Dock has quit responding to my cursor. I have to envoke the keyboard command to get the dock to unhide itself! If that isn't weird enough, my screen savers have stopped working. I can configure and test them, but they won't come on after the time set in the preference pane and they won't activate if I move my cursor to any of the chosen corners for auto-activation.

I'm totally baffled at this point. I've not made any serious changes to the OS. I've updated to 10.2.1 and that may be the point at which things stopped working. But I haven't really been paying that much attention to the screen saver issue. I tried to run "Backlight" this evening and it wouldn't work (it did the first time I ran it, several weeks back). Then I realized that my screen saver just quit working.

Any suggestions? I'd hate to have reinstall my whole OS for this.
