Doctor X
So once again trying to figure out something, I happened to click on my Security preference pain in the System Preferences.
It never loaded.
Finally the System Preferences will crash.
I tried all of my other preference panes--all work immediately.
Now I clone my Int-HD on not one, but two Ex-HD. Live and learn. So I can screw around a bit without losing my data. Neat. Unfortunately, the Security preference panes are brok'd on my clones as well.
Searching HERE, I trashed the plist for System Preference--no fixee.
I trashed the Preference pane, replaced it with the one from my Snow Leopard Install disk with Pacifist--no workee.
I trashed that Preference pane, used Pacifist to open the 10.6.4 Combo-Update I down loaded, installed it . . . no workee.
So I downloaded the 10.6.4 C-U Preference pane . . . put it on one of the Ext-HD, trashed the Preference pane, then tried to open the Preference pane on the Ext-HD.
I told me it would install it . . . and nothing happened . . . until it crashed.
So I tried again--System Preferences now has a "pane" that is "" that will not actually load. Click it again . . . crash.
So . . . on a lark, I reinstalled Snow Leopard . . . this gave me a nice clean System without any of my settings--yeeeeesssss some programs do not "like" it when you down grade. The Security Preference pane worked.
So I then made the mistake of using Migration Assistant to bring "me" over from a clone--saying "yes, you can replace moi"--resulting in a duplication of me . . .
I have the feeling I am missing something very simple that would fix this. I even repaired permissions.
The odd thing is, that was not the Preference pane I needed and I hardly ever need it.
It never loaded.
Finally the System Preferences will crash.
I tried all of my other preference panes--all work immediately.
Now I clone my Int-HD on not one, but two Ex-HD. Live and learn. So I can screw around a bit without losing my data. Neat. Unfortunately, the Security preference panes are brok'd on my clones as well.

Searching HERE, I trashed the plist for System Preference--no fixee.
I trashed the Preference pane, replaced it with the one from my Snow Leopard Install disk with Pacifist--no workee.
I trashed that Preference pane, used Pacifist to open the 10.6.4 Combo-Update I down loaded, installed it . . . no workee.
So I downloaded the 10.6.4 C-U Preference pane . . . put it on one of the Ext-HD, trashed the Preference pane, then tried to open the Preference pane on the Ext-HD.
I told me it would install it . . . and nothing happened . . . until it crashed.
So I tried again--System Preferences now has a "pane" that is "" that will not actually load. Click it again . . . crash.

So . . . on a lark, I reinstalled Snow Leopard . . . this gave me a nice clean System without any of my settings--yeeeeesssss some programs do not "like" it when you down grade. The Security Preference pane worked.

So I then made the mistake of using Migration Assistant to bring "me" over from a clone--saying "yes, you can replace moi"--resulting in a duplication of me . . .

I have the feeling I am missing something very simple that would fix this. I even repaired permissions.
The odd thing is, that was not the Preference pane I needed and I hardly ever need it.
