Security Update 2004-06-07

Nice of Apple to deal with this problem. And rather quickly and quietly. M$ would have a hugh press conference to announce a possible fix for a huge hole. This, AirPort Express, new iPods, new G5s, maybe a G5 iMac, maybe the announcement of a G5 PowerBook before year's end, iTMS Europe, iTMS Canada... it's shaping up to be one helluva month for Apple.
ok tried to install 3 times now! once with software update it took over 30mins to download 900k with broadband - well it never finished so i downloaded from site! got stuck on the optimisong system bit! wat do i do? oh ye and im using 10.2.8
i didnt repair permission but rather left it for an hour while having my tea - when i returned it was at 97% so it looks like it wasnt stoping just going very very slow!
jobsen_ski said:
i didnt repair permission but rather left it for an hour while having my tea - when i returned it was at 97% so it looks like it wasnt stoping just going very very slow!

yea the optimizing step takes pretty long on any fast is the CPU on the computer in question, and how much RAM do you have installed?
Doesn't really matter how much RAM you've got, nor does it heavily depend on your CPU speed (although that does make a difference). It relies heavily on the amount of applications that you have installed, since the "Optimizing" phase of the installer is simply updating the prebindings -- for all apps on the system.
My CPU usage jumps to 70%-80% during optimization. I only asked about RAM because it would be a factor if it was a ridiculously low amount of RAM.
I understand, I wasn't trying to be rude or anything. I've got a 500MHz G4 that only takes about a minute and a half to get through the optimizing process. I have very little installed on my machine. My friend, whose computer I service, a dual 1GHZ G4, has TONS of crap installed... he's got all the iApps, every downloadable program possible, etc., and his machine takes in excess of 10 minutes to run through the optimization process. I'm sure it would be a LOT longer if he were running a processor like mine, and I'm sure mine would go even faster if my processor were faster. I just think it relies more heavily on the number of prebound applications installed rather than RAM/processor, as slow optimization processes are very common -- even on the fastest machines.
oh don't worry i wasn't offended or anything by your post, i hope you didn't think that from my response :)

I actually really liked your reply, it makes a lot of sense. :)
If you have a tool such as DiskWarrior, you might want to run it on your hard drive after repairing permissions. and do you do regular script maintaining, with the likes of Cocktail or Maintain or Onyx?