Setting System Shutdown in Lingon


I used to use Sleepy to shut down my PC, but now that I have a Mac with Tiger on it (10.4.11), but not cron or crontab. How do I set Lingon to shut down my Mac at the same time every evening? (I usually don't shut it down at a sane hour otherwise.) I tried the following setting which I created in my standard account, so it's in User Agents, but even though the icon to the left of it was green after loading and saving it, it didn't shut down my Mac. I just checked, and it's now red.

Label: com.brent.shutdown
shutdown -h now
StartCalendarInterval: all empty except a 1 in the hour box.
Just a thought, but why do you want or need to shut down your Mac each and every night?

I hardly ever shut down my iMac and only restart after a Software Update or running my maintenance app. I know a lot of other Mac users follow suite, so I'm curious if anything ...
OK, if you are running 10.4.11, and nothing else special, why use Lingon for that? System Preferences/Energy Saver pane, then the Schedule tab, where you can set a shutdown time, different for different days, if you like...
VirtualTracy: One reason is to save electricity - I want to be environmentally friendly, and money, being on a low income with an aging cat. The more important reason is 'cause like I said, I usually don't shut it down at a sane hour otherwise. I should probably make that almost never. I've had chronic derealization disorder since '95 and 4 years ago I lost what little ability to discipline myself I had, and if I keep my Mac on at night I'll continue doing all-nighters and marathons and causing myself extreme exhaustion and jitters and my body extreme stress due to that and lost sleep, being that I also became a super light sleeper and usually can't sleep for more than 3 or 4 hours during the day, even though I wear ear plugs and an eye mask. There. Now you know why. :P

DeltaMac: Sorry. I forgot to mention that. It wouldn't do me any good, since most times I would just cancel it and keep working or browsing. :/ I need something that won't let me cancel it. Sleepy was just what I needed, 'cause it also kept me from going back online till 8 hours later. But I've gotten so sick and tire of being exhausted or jittery most of the time that just having launchd shut down my Mac without letting me cancel it is enough, and 'course it'll have to be, since there's no program like Sleepy for Macs, at least that I've been able to find.
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After i realized how much electricity i was wasting, I also started shutting down
instead of using the sleep function.