Shared printing from tiger to XP

Fred Flinstone

XP Divorcee - Mac Virgin

After a week or two of hell - first downgrading the Mac to Tiger and the even worse horror of trying to downgrade Vista running on a New HP machine (believe me if you've tried this you'll know exactly what I mean...) I now find I cannot network my Epson CX 5600 (connected to and running on the Mac) to XP. XP will not see it despite the fact I have sharing turned on etc.....

Worse still I spent 2 hours googling this and no matter what I type in I always get the reverse - that the printer is connected to XP.

Fat lot of good the search engines are.....

Can anybody please let me know how I can achieve this aim simply - I had no problem in this regard at all with Leopard.

I tried Apple talk and adding a printer in Printer Setup utility - tried LPD and Windows neighbourhood... nada, seems like Tiger and XP don't wan't to talk to each other :(
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