Sherlock regionalisation (sorry regionalization!)


Re: member
Am I stoopid or have Apple forgot that us lowly third world countries such as the UK don't want to look at US movie schedules, US Ebay auction listings, US Yellow Page directories!!!

I have set the Sherlock Prefs to UK but can only get US services. Sherlock at present is useless!:(
Originally posted by uoba
Am I stoopid or have Apple forgot that us lowly third world countries such as the UK

If the UK is third world, what kind of world is Africa?


ps: i agree with you, no Belgian routmaps, sushiplaces, stocks, cinemaschedules, ...
The fact that I am living in the Low Counties (Netherlands) doesn't mean that I should be low on the priority list of such services. :mad:

Originally posted by martijnvandijk
The fact that I am living in the Low Counties (Netherlands) doesn't mean that I should be low on the priority list of such services. :mad:


Were the Lowlands good this year?

Sherlock 3.5. Why don't we call it USless? It's a shame that the services have not as of yet been updated with internationalised services. Apple has staff all around the world that could be looking for such services and implement them. I mean, what is Apple Switzerland doing, if not persuading Swiss cinemas to be *on* Sherlock? (Same for other countries...)
Senne, I was being ironic:rolleyes: :D

Does anyone know when these services are going to be available?
...of getting these services in place myself. There's probably no one working on it in Apple Benelux, as my experience with them is that they are not exactly pro-active...:mad:

What a shame, Apple could be really big here if it wasn't for their incompetence