Should President Bush by impeached?


I'm watching Farenheit 9/11 right as we post this message. From the looks of it Bush and his family have ties to the Saudi goverment and the Bin Ladens (same dumbass who attacked us) oil money. With the recent New's on Saddam was not trying to secure WMDs.

Bush lied to us about WMD's in Iraq.
Bush lied to us about the ties between Iraq and Al-Queda.
Bush knew about Osama's plan to attack america on 9/11.
Yet he still refuses to admit he was wrong.

Clinton admited he was wrong.

Who thinks Bush should be impeached?

If he manages to get re-elected or elected for real this time. I will be down in Washington D.C. on January 20th i will be down there throwing eggs at his limo, or throwing paintballs too.
impeachment is not what is needed. to be impeached, a president must have commited treason or another high crime or misdemeanor, unfortunatly, bush is to stupid to commit any of those. he is a horrible person, and a liar, but can not be impeached.
DanTekGeek said:
impeachment is not what is needed. to be impeached, a president must have commited treason or another high crime or misdemeanor, unfortunatly, bush is to stupid to commit any of those. he is a horrible person, and a liar, but can not be impeached.

You mean to attack a country without help or backing up of the U.N. is not Treason?!? or to get the American People to live in fear of Iraq attacking us without any Weapons? Going to War with Iraq (over Oil) and Not accomplishing anything but killing over 1,000 US soliders and over 2000 innocent Iraqis not a high crime.

EDIT OCTOBER 7th : EDIT : I'm sorry for going off on this little rant here. But sending troops to fight a meaningless war (Vietnam sound familar?) with no support sounds to me like treason, thats why we have the U.N.
We live in a World Economy, it's like the Butterfly Effect in Chaos Theory (sort of), one little thing happens in Europe's economy it effects us here.
Let's wait and see; hopefully we can just vote him out in a nice, legal, above-board election, with no hanging chads.

If that fails, then I'm all ears. Round up the lawyers, write to your congressmen. But bear in mind, it would require a majority (2/3?) vote of Congress to impeach, and right now there's NO chance of that.

If he gets (re?)elected, I may start a petition to replace "Hail To The Chief" with John Williams' "Imperial March" for the next 4 years.
easy on the propaganda there RGrphc2 - just keep in mind that had Michael Moore been a Bush supporter, he could do what he does to paint John Kerry in a bad light as well. Everyone's got stuff that can haunt them, and twisted with the right amount of spin, can be made to look however one desires.
I'm just saying to take everything with a grain of salt.

Check out to get true and unbiased details on both candidates.

DanTekGeek said:
impeachment is not what is needed. to be impeached, a president must have commited treason or another high crime or misdemeanor, unfortunatly, bush is to stupid to commit any of those. he is a horrible person, and a liar, but can not be impeached.
Dan - I'm confused how you mean: [he's] too stupid to commit any of those...
don't you mean too smart/evasive/sly/etc?

I'm not trying to get political one way or the other (heaven knows I don't have a decent clue!), just trying to solidify facts. make an educated decision off the facts surrounding all the issues, not the mud-slinging and propaganda being spewed (as it is every election year).
by too stupid i mean that he does not have the inteligance to carry out such a complex task. if there is any confusion on what it takes to impeach, check the constitution, i belive its article 2 that adresses impeachment.
brianleahy said:
Let's wait and see; hopefully we can just vote him out in a nice, legal, above-board election, with no hanging chads.

If that fails, then I'm all ears. Round up the lawyers, write to your congressmen. But bear in mind, it would require a majority (2/3?) vote of Congress to impeach, and right now there's NO chance of that.

If he gets (re?)elected, I may start a petition to replace "Hail To The Chief" with John Williams' "Imperial March" for the next 4 years.

Actually it takes one congress man to start the vote, but no-one has wants to start the vote. Just like the re-count in florida, many people protested and shown that Gore was the winner, and well not a single congressman wanted to sign off on.

I know it seems to me like proganda but doesnt it strike you as odd as Clinton lied, apologized and he got impeached yet, Bush lied, still lies, and he hasn't gotten impeached.
I know it seems to me like proganda but doesnt it strike you as odd as Clinton lied, apologized and he got impeached yet, Bush lied, still lies, and he hasn't gotten impeached.

The moral of the story: NEVER apologize...
Hehe... if you think what Bush did was "impeachable" and horrible, then you should pick up a history book and have a read. What Bush did pales in comparison to the United State's past actions.

Clinton was impeached, but being impeached does not carry with it an admission of guilt. In actuality, Clinton was impeached (which is just a fancy word for "charged with a crime") but was found not guilty ultimately. Many, many people believe that being impeached means being removed from office, which it most definitely does not.
(read the last paragraph on that page right before Clinton's quote)

Also, if anyone ever tries to impeach Bush, they'd be going after the wrong person. Bush doesn't say a damn word that he's not told to say, and if you think Bush had any influence into whether we invaded Iraq or not, well, my friend, you've got some backward facts. Bush is the message-carrier, and had little say in what we did in Iraq. He simply conveyed it to the American people -- kind of like a scapegoat.

I, personally, find politics very interesting and stimulating to discuss, but rarely find a person that will agree that the information, once trickled down through the government, then the press, then word of mouth, is severely distorted. In the end, discussing politics becomes something like discussing the latest episode of "The Real World" -- mixed up, distorted and edited for content.

I highly recommend downloading the (free) 2004 First Presidential Debate from the iTMS. It's a good listen, despite being heavily scripted and restricted in a sense.

Believe me, I'm no Bush supporter, but I firmly believe that Michael Moore has an amazing gift for distorting facts just like the rest of the media. Farenheit 911 is a decent movie, but should be taken with several grains of salt.
I cannot believe you would rather have a LIAR and two faced person like kerry as the man instead!
ElDiabloConCaca said:
...but I firmly believe that Michael Moore has an amazing gift for distorting facts just like the rest of the media. Farenheit 911 is a decent movie, but should be taken with several grains of salt.
I couldn't agree more. It's a propaganda film, nothing more nothing less. It could have EASILY been switched around to bash Kerry.

I personally don't like either of the candidates, so right now it comes down to whom I believe is the lesser of the two evils. The problem is trying to figure out who that actually is. Both have good & bad things on my list right now.

Bush is too religious for my liking. Kerry has flip-flopped way too much on certain issues. It would be nice to be able to mix and match them...say 60% of one and 40% of the other, but that's just wishful thinking. My vote will go towards whomever will best protect our country and the Constitution, especially the Bill of Rights.
I know I'm gonna get my head chopped off for this, but I kind of wish that Gore was elected so we could see how this whole 9/11 thing would have gone down without the influence of Halliburton, Cheney and Bush. It would be nice to see what an Apple board member would have done with this tragedy!

But, we should feel good for Bush. He's making a lot of money off of this deal, and hey -- why own one country when you can invade and own two?! Especially a natural-resource-rich country like Iraq!

As for Bush being too religious -- I can see how someone would see that in him. We are, without a doubt, whether you believe it or not, "One Nation under God," but I think Bush takes that a little far. Beliefs and invading Iraw have nothing to do with each other, yet Bush makes the American people feel guilty by interjecting God and religion into his agenda. He makes it seem like it's a higher power that's calling the shots and he's just doing right by that word, which is BS. It's a scare tactic -- it's more propaganda. It's playing with peoples' beliefs to support his own agenda, which is NOT cool.

At any rate, neither Bush nor Kerry will be getting my vote this year. I am a firm supporter of the Chango ticket:
ElDiabloConCaca said:
But, we should feel good for Bush. He's making a lot of money off of this deal, and hey -- why own one country when you can invade and own two?! Especially a natural-resource-rich country like Iraq!

sorry about before it just ticks me off that still is happening about everything. Iraq - Oil, Bush makes his money with oil concidence?? espically with no WMDs found in iraq. This is my first presidental election i can participate in and i did take Farenheit 9/11 with salt and well i everything i didn't believe i checked and double checked on the web. i even watched the 9/11 Commission as well.

It just sickens me that Bush has friends in Clear Channel (idiots), Enron, and is connected to the Saudi Goverment and all that.
Yup, it's VERY sickening, and it's even more pathetic that he's been able to fool at least half of the United States into believing all that BS. He's a spinster, alright.

Ooh, and don't ever say, "I verified everything on the web." The web is not a great place to verify facts, since any idiot can put information out there. I would take a monkey's word over the word on the web anyday -- even sites like CNN.
And Fox News, who's president is friends with Bush as well. If Jeb ever runs for president there is no god.
I want to know what would happen if another huge hurricane hit Florida on election day.

It emerged recently that the constitution has NO provision for rescheduling the presidential election FOR ANY REASON.

(This came out as part of a debate about delaying the election if there was a terror attack - answer: no can do, unless the constitution was amended.)
ElDiabloConCaca said:
Yup, it's VERY sickening, and it's even more pathetic that he's been able to fool at least half of the United States into believing all that BS. He's a spinster, alright.

Ooh, and don't ever say, "I verified everything on the web." The web is not a great place to verify facts, since any idiot can put information out there. I would take a monkey's word over the word on the web anyday -- even sites like CNN.

He may be a lot of things, but he's most definitely not a spinster. In fact, it's physically impossible for him to ever be a spinster.