Simultaneous Internet Connect


No doubt this is one of the simplest-minded question you fine people have ever encountered, but is it possible to have a ISP connection done instantly when you start Safari or Mail? Windows allows this, but I've gotten the impression you have to open the dial-up first, then open whatever internet program you have, specifically Safari and Mail. Basically, the idea is cutting down on one step of the internet process. Thanks for reading.
If you have broadband you should connect as soon as you power up the computer.

If you are on dial-up. Go to System Prefs/Network/Internal modem. Choose the PPP tab. Then click "PPP Options" button and tick the box "Connect automatically when needed".
However: If you're on dial-up and pay per-minute or something, it's better to manually dial up, because there might be applications or utilities (or even Dashboard widgets?) open which want internet access from time to time. - Or are those not permitted to trigger PPP somehow? If somebody has experience with this (I haven't actively used dial-up automatically connecting for years, certainly never on OS X...), I'd appreciate a definite answer, since I still quite often have to install PPP-connected notebooks for friends, and they often ask for auto-connection and I always instruct them to simply use the menubar item, since that's veeeeeeeeeery quick and easy to use...