sleep mode of death


I have a sleep-mode problem with my MacBook 13". After being in sleep mode for more than 15 or 20 minutes it won't wake up. Only solution: switching off, unplugging power supply, removing battery, reinserting battery and starting. Of course my session is lost...

Waking it up after less than 5 minutes is OK, everything goes smoothly as before.

This started to happen about one week after I replaced the original 2*256MB with 2*1GB RAM. Could this be a cause for the problem?
It's the right type (DDR2-667) and it worked fine for about one week...

I had just installed TextWrangler before this happened the first time, but I don't believe this could be the reason.

Firmware & all software are up-to-date.

Thanks in advance & greetings

It might be the RAM as Macs are famously picky about it. If you are comfortable doing it, put the old ram back in and see if it stops the problem, in which case ask for new ram from the supplier or get a refund and buy some from a better supplier (Crucial or Kingston).
After reading about similar problems caused by poorly installed RAM modules I took the two out and inserted them again (in the other slot respectively) looking very carefully that they snap in right.

I had to do this with the 1GB ones as I only have access to the old modules when I travel home on weekend.

Some quick tests show it might have helped; I now recall this happened always after carrying my MB around, so poor mechanical connection could have been the cause.

I'll observe this and report back in if it happens again or not...

If yes, I will try those old chips again...


You should be able to see the memory in System Profiler. If one module or the other is not available you'll see it. Check from time to time.

It is a fiddly process to get them seated correctly. Use patience.
i don't think its ram cuz the samething happen to me and mine was stock at 1GB from apple....i didn't try for 5-10 minutes but by the time I came home my computer crash and I had to restart after restart the BSOD show up then all went wonky so I remove bootcamp...lets hope bootcamp 1.1 will work better