When posting, mentioning one's System / MacOS X version and Mac model, at a minimum, is helpful.
In 'Finder' - select the 'Go, Go to Folder...' menu item, and enter
before clicking on the 'Go' button. Are there any 'swapfiles'?, if so - are any quite large (500MB+ or greater)?
Also, in 'Finder' - select the 'Go, Go to Folder...' menu item, and enter
before clicking on the 'Go' button.' Are there any rather large (in the MegaBytes) '.log' file(s)?
Locate and open your user's logs folder - '~/Library/Logs/' and local logs folder - '/Library/Logs/' - and their respective sub-folders. Any rather large (in the MegaBytes) '.log' file(s)?
Large, in size, 'swapfile' and '.log' files can, and do, slow down Macs.
Slow down, with respect to 'Safari' and / or other web browsers - can be the result of 'cache' files. For 'Safari', the cache files are at '~/Library/Caches/Safari/' and '~/Library/Safari/Icons/. Other web browsers allow the user to set the 'Cache' size - such as '0' MB.