Smallest digital camera for Mac?


I've been looking around for a really small (matchbox size) digital camera that works on a Mac. I've looked at the Sipix Blink, but it doesn't have a Mac driver.

Anyone know of a product that is similar, or better still, have a Mac driver for this?

How about just plugging the little guy in, and see if it is recognized? many digitals are., no extra drivers needed.:p
isn't there a list of X supported cameras on apple's site? i'll try and find it, but i'm warning you, i'm lazy and imperceptive.
Did you check out Sony camera's or Olympus. They have some small models. And I might add they both are good quality cameras.
Canon have a "card cam" out now that is about the size of a credit card and about 5 mm thick. Not sure what the actual model name is. It looks like really good build quality.
When I was purchasing my camera the shop was convinced that almost no camera worked with OSX because there were no drivers out there. The fact of the matter is that many of them don't need drivers (mine didn't).

Go with DeltaMac's plan - just plug one in and see if it works.


I got the Spyz in Singapore recently for about US$55 and the review posted above seemed to have gotten a good overview of the camera.

Mine is silver/metal colored though. It does the job and is Mac compatible, though I'd suggest if you want a small one and have the function, some of the new phones that have camera accessories work as well or better. I have a digital camera attachment for my Nokia 7210 and it works all right in day light or under bright lights. I send pics to my e-mail account and download from there.
And in the same range, one can find the Sony Clie pda line, the Veo for Tungtsten/T, which you could download via card reader directly to iPhoto (or if rumors of the upcoming camera model for the Tungsten) are true.

I haven't tried the Spyz as a webcam yet, but one of these days I plan to get around to do it. Maybe after I finish my book on overcoming procrastination.