software update keeps showing installed updates !


I'm using OSX 10.1.5
I have installed all the software updates (network, airport, ipod) yet every time I restart and click software update again, these installed components show up again !!
Is this a bug ?

well, it certainly sounds like you've got something wrong - this is the first time i've heard of this one. have you made backups of your system? have you deleted or messed around with your receipt files?

what happens if you go ahead and ok a second installation?

without more info, i wouldn't really know what else to try.
thanks for your reply,
I never touched my receipt files,
If I install again, it will install again normally and ask for a restart

that's it

the log file shows multiple instances of update installation

I downloaded the updates from apple web site but out of luck as well.

I also tried to run the packages directly from the receipt folder, but both installers (network update 1.0 and applescript 1.8.3) complains errors ( "there is error during installation .. ")

How can I make sure the updates are installed properly ?