my very special thanks to this list...
I was looking at various bits and pieces, xwindows, Oroborus, XDarwin
etc. and after sitting around wondering what to do with this afterstep
and questioning if I should install it I read Colddivers clean instructions
about MacGimp, applied that to my afterstep problem gave it a shot - it works.
Now I need to add toys to my afterstep, but I am having fun and that is what
it is all about. Again my thanks and especially to Colddiver ...
I was looking at various bits and pieces, xwindows, Oroborus, XDarwin
etc. and after sitting around wondering what to do with this afterstep
and questioning if I should install it I read Colddivers clean instructions
about MacGimp, applied that to my afterstep problem gave it a shot - it works.
Now I need to add toys to my afterstep, but I am having fun and that is what
it is all about. Again my thanks and especially to Colddiver ...