Speed comparison: 10.2 vs 10.3?


Can someone with the latest beta of Panther tell me if there is any major speed difference in the new OS (faster or slower)?

I haven't used it, so I have no personal comparison, but people I have talked to say it is a lot faster. Take the boot time, for example. It's been AT LEAST chopped in half! :D
Panther IS Faster than Jaguar but that's part of the story... With some new tweaks here and there or even drastic changes and some amazing new additions, Panther makes your life a lot easier than Jaguar :eek: which enhances the speed difference even more :D

But Panther to me is AWESOME in old Macs say, G3 iMacs, slow G4 Macs (including Duals), etc. where the speed increase is much easier to understand than say, a Dual G5, where everything is fast in Jaguar too :p

Panther is a must buy but for those who cannot afford it, Jaguar is fine too! To me though, some new Panther tricks here and there are simply irresistible! :eek:
Check out the Xbench cmoparison site. Not the most reliable benchmark, but still, it gives some idea as to what the improvements can be.
Jaguar is one sluggish cat when compared to Panther. :D They really sped up Quartz Extreme, which makes a world of difference.
OK, so I bench mark, i am right at a par with other iBooks my size. All the iBooks I checked are running a flavor of Jaguar.

The question is how does Panther benchmark? Can someone with a Panther Beta run the bench and report back.

(With a 14 inch 700 would be real nice.)
i dont see why they would bench different, isnt xbench a benching tool for cpu etc and not OS?
Xbench, inter alia, measures things like scrolling & rendering text and drawing things. These are affected by the OS, of course. Moreover, all kind of drawing and rendering tests depend on the libraries employed by the OS. Besides that, Xbench runs as an application under the OS, not raw on the cpu.
The difference?

With XBench 1.1.2 I did:

142 with 10.2.8

162 with 10.3 7B85 :D

Waht do you think now? :cool:
ok i noticed that my results in areas that are GUI related are a bit faster than the same ibooks on 10.2.8 so there are things that are faster, so, uh yeah :)

The only reason the score was lower for my machine under Panther was because I didn't test right from startup, so my HD scores just bombed. But as you can see, the UI speed doubled, and all Quartz drawing sped up (especially text, which nearly doubled as well). Also, my "Allocate" speed went up by about 5x (although I bet this is a glitch).
Originally posted by Ricky

The only reason the score was lower for my machine under Panther was because I didn't test right from startup, so my HD scores just bombed. But as you can see, the UI speed doubled, and all Quartz drawing sped up (especially text, which nearly doubled as well). Also, my "Allocate" speed went up by about 5x (although I bet this is a glitch).

Looks good except for your disk tests. What do you mean about not testing right from startup? Why would that screw up disk results? did you have other apps open?

Anyone with a 14 in 700 iBook (384 RAM;))
I have a friend who's getting ready to upgrade from 10.0(!) to 10.3... Her mind is going to be blown, but I'm going to let her find that out =)
I'm getting panther no matter the outcome but...
...do you guys think Panther will speed up things on my 466 G3 iBook?
With 10.2.8 I was getting around 46 in Xbench....now with this fresh install of Panther 10.3...I'm getting around 53-54 in Xbench...which is just damn amazing. To think new Apple operating system actually increase the speed of older computers...M$ just has it the wrong way....would someone email Bill and tell him that? :)