Spilled water on MBP, what now?


Hey fellow macsters,

In a very stressfull early morning moment, a fair bit of a glass of water splashed across my mbp's keyboard from the right hand side a few days ago. I immediately hard powered down and got the battery out then left it for 2 days to dry out. After that it booted fine but was acting all sluggish and the keyboard response was glitchy, i guess from some residual moisture, so i shut down again and left it another 18 hours.

I started up this morning and it seems to be OK. It was a bit slow at first but that might have been it recovering from the hard power down. It seems ok now but is there anything else I should do? Should I run the hardware tests? (And in fact for the MBP where are they, unlike my older machine there was no specific Hardware test disc, just install disc 1 and 2 for 10.4.).

I use time machine though would lose a few days as i was away from home, but am running it now since it seems to work. I also have my AppleCare disc, which has techtool on it it seems.

As i write this i just had what seemed to be a stuck down cursor key (though stopped once i blew on the key), which suggests maybe something is still going on. :/

So what next? If it all works am I likely to be lucky? Anything I should look out for? At worst I have accidental damage insurance for my apartment contents so could get it replaced but obviously I'd prefer not to have the hassle.

Stop working on it *IMMEDIATELY*. Power off, out with the battery and have it serviced. This is an electronic device, and any residing moisture can fry stuff in there.
True, its powered down again now. I shall talk to apple tomorrow and see what a service will cost me.
You were probably lucky it was just water (as in, no sugar and no salt and no other odd material in it). When it's completely dry, it may just work fine, however the idea to service it is appropriate.

My other .5 had a huge mug of green tea spill on his 17" PowerBook a few years back. Again, no sugar.. so he powered it off, took it apart, dried all the components inside, and an hour later was back online with it.
Cheers gia, good to know its not always terminal. I thought it would have been dry after 48 then 70 odd hours, but i was disturbed by the stuck key.

How much should i excpect to pay for a service. I am almsot certain my 3 years applecare are nto up yet but i guess it would not cover a service.
You should be fine. A tech will take it apart and make sure everything is dry.

It seems a lot of people are having a problem with the new Safari update; I doubt that is the problem.

You should have not started it. Your best bet would have been to open it up and let it air dry for at least 2 days (with no power to it, even the battery should have been removed). With just water if you let it air dry good it probably would have not shorted something out on the logic board when you turned it on while it was still moist inside.

Since you did start it up you better take it to get fixed and pony up some money. Sorry to give the bad news. :(