Steve goes Intel

oooh.. I didn't even notice this little bit at the end:

"The Pixar deal comes amid a spate of shuttle diplomacy taking place between Intel and Apple Computer. Both Pixar and Apple share the same CEO, Steve Jobs. At Macworld in January, Intel President Paul Otellini sat in the front row for Steve Jobs' keynote as a VIP guest of Apple. Jobs also gave Otellini a tour of the show floor. "
Funny, I thought this was old news. Pixar had been talking about doing a switch for a long time, and I know that they were working on a Linux port of their software (Pixar is a software company as much as a movie production company).

Sun’s servers are expensive to maintain and just don’t offer the bang-for-the-buck that they used to. Render farms are just a ton of CPUs that do nothing else but the final rendering of what someone had done on a workstation. They are basically closet monsters with no other use. Sun’s servers are a waste in that role (plus Sun and Jobs have something of a trying history).

The move is also not surprising in light of the fact that Pixar needs to prove to it’s clients that Renderman for Linux is actually a product worth buying. There is no better way to get that point across than to use your on product to make an award winning motion picture. Also, considering that Pixar is splitting from Disney, it is going to need to make sure that the profit margins are as high as possible (in case they need to front their own cash on future products).
Wow, pretty interesting. And Otellini had Steve as a guest speaker at an Intel function. This doesn't necesarily mean the demise of the RISC PowerPC, but it is fuel for a lot of speculation.
Originally posted by RacerX
Funny, I thought this was old news. Pixar had been talking about doing a switch for a long time, and I know that they were working on a Linux port of their software (Pixar is a software company as much as a movie production company).

Sun’s servers are expensive to maintain and just don’t offer the bang-for-the-buck that they used to. Render farms are just a ton of CPUs that do nothing else but the final rendering of what someone had done on a workstation. They are basically closet monsters with no other use. Sun’s servers are a waste in that role (plus Sun and Jobs have something of a trying history).

The move is also not surprising in light of the fact that Pixar needs to prove to it’s clients that Renderman for Linux is actually a product worth buying. There is no better way to get that point across than to use your on product to make an award winning motion picture. Also, considering that Pixar is splitting from Disney, it is going to need to make sure that the profit margins are as high as possible (in case they need to front their own cash on future products).
This just in...the Japanese surrender. The Japanese were the last remaining Axis Power. Tojo could not risk another atomic bomb from the Allies. World War II is over.

...In other words, people, this is very old news.
Originally posted by jeb1138
No more RISC chips for Buzz Lightyear. Steve Jobs has brought Intel to Pixar. Who's next? :D

OK, so maybe I can't prove it was Steve's doing, but he is the CEO of Pixar and we all know what a control-freak CEO he is...

Steve is an incedible control freak.

Render farms are the diesel buses of the animation world. A fast bus that can carry lots of passengers that is stable and cheap is what people are looking for when doing rendering jobs. It doesn't matter if the render farm is based on Intel, AMD, MIPS or chickens. Whatever is fast, stable and cheap is what people want to use.

When it comes to Jobs, the reason the switch happened could have been a number of factors.
  • It could be that Andy Grove made an overture and Steve went for it. If Intel can convince Hollywood to switch from Sun to Intel, it would be a huge coup. Render farms are generally full of the latest and fastest hardware, which means it is a customer base that will upgrade annually.
  • It could be that Scott McNeally and Sun pissed off Jobs somehow and this is the payback. The mere thought that somehow Sun is not as good as Intel is laughable.
  • It could be all about selling Renderman for Linux. By showing a room full of Intel servers that churned out a top notch Hollywood project will convince many companies that they can use an Intel server and get good results. That would boost sales which is the other part of what Pixar is all about.
Number 2 is VERY UNLIKELY....

i mean....if you knew anything about business you would understand that ...REVENGE is not a business plan...

No big deal..Steve probably found Intel Hardware better for Pixar, this means..he could save money time and probably stress....can you blame him for this?

No biggie...if he decided to switch there are PRACTICAL reason (no revenge at all).

In a moment in wich company are having hard time to cannot blame someone doing the BEST interest for his company.

Pixar and Apple are NOTrelated anyway ... so by going INTEL on one does OT means both are... Jobs is doing the best for EACH INDIVIDUAL company..

IF he believes Intel is the way for PIXAR...well ...Good Job Jobs :)

My 2 cents
Originally posted by BBenve
Number 2 is VERY UNLIKELY....

i mean....if you knew anything about business you would understand that ...REVENGE is not a business plan...

Hey Steinmetz, who said my suggestion was a business plan?

We're talking about Steve Jobs here. To be as insulting as you come across, if you knew anything about Jobs, you'd understand that point. Catch up before shooting off your mouth, junior. This isn't the time or the place for your Devries business degree.

With Steve, it isn't always about selling widgets, this is about ego. His ego. He's fired employees because he had a bad day. He parks in the handicap spot because he feels like it. One year his payment as a CEO was a business jet. Not because it was a brilliant move for the Apple CEO to have a plane, it was because he wanted a plane. It would have been cheaper and smarter all around if Apple owned and maintained the jet for all sorts of tax reasons, but that wasn't the point. He was invited to an interview with Bill Gates and Steve Jobs refused after Bill accepted. Why? Because he got the chance to snub Bill Gates.

But that's not the point.

The point seems to be why did Pixar buy an Intel rendering farm and wouldn't you know it, the same guy that trashed my opinion in one sentence agrees wholeheartedly with my next point.

Now if nobody minds, lets get back to a civilized discussion of rumormongering.
see I wasn't insulting..i was just saying it is VERY unlikely... and believe's about money...especially when it ends with company.....

The fact is ...Jobs might have a HUGE Ego...but he is a man..he is a BUSINESS man.. and when he does something he does it for the best of the company, ....of course he deos stupid things as well... but in a moment in wich many companies are going out of business...well.... ..everyone would do a BUSINESS move in order to be safer.

I was definetly NOT firing at anyone... as i wrote at the was just MY opinion... it was ONLY MY point of Italy we say... if you feel guilty when someone accuses you......may be you did something wrong...

Now mine wasn't even an was an opinion....if you had that reaction... only because someone had a different you need something to be checked out...sorry bro...

Keep it professional ...will you?

Fly down .......and take it easy man... stress will only hurt you...:rolleyes:
i don't get it..... Why don't they use Macs? i'm sure that Steve Jobs can get them for a cheaper price :).

And Apple IS better! Jobs says.
not for super hardware rendering etc etc, there is no way a power mac would keep up with the render stations they use in 3d animation studios