Studio Display Screen Protector


I am looking for a screen protector for my 17" Studio Display. It want something like this one. If any one knows where to get one can you let me know.

Thanks In Advance
If you need to protect the screen during travel, I would recommend the original shipping container (good protective package)
A semi-permanent clear cover over the screen would probably block a lot of brightness from the screen. The protector sheet that you linked to, is good protection from contact with the keys, but a laptop needs that level of protection, as you contact the screen from time to time during normal use and movement. A desktop screen would not normally be subject to continual contact, fingerprints and etc. If you want to protect the display from dust and so on when it is not in use, most anything that would slip over the screen would be great, (like a small pillow case, could be decorative :) ).
Use a commercial LCD cleaner to clean the occasional fingerprint or smear. You'll find either a spray or a towelette type both work well.
what is it? A bag? A clear cover? A carrying case? $50-60 seems a lot for a simple screen protector, and no picture or other description (Google refuses my requests for more info - :)