syncing files with a server


So let me get this straight. In order to sync files between my MBP and a server I have to download some utility and then set it up to sync certain things on a schedule? You gotta be kidding me.

Here's the situation, and I know this is common. I use a MBP, and that's all I Mini, no tower, no external drives, no nuthin. I don't want to move my home folder, boot from some remote system, or anything else exotic. But I'm a business user and I use it at the office, at home, on the road, everywhere. My company has (Windows) servers that are backed up every night and I have a designated folder on those servers that also gets backed up. So all I want to do is store my files on the server so they are backed up, yet work with them locally all the time.

In the Windows world, this is soooo easy! I save the files to the server (first time) and then it's literally one click and they are available "offline" all the time. No matter if I'm online or offline I access all my files through the same network path (just virtual if I'm offline). It knows if files are out of sync and warns me. Anything I work on offline is automatically synced as soon as I log on to the server, and anything I've been working on while online is synced when I log off the server. This took about 3 seconds to set up for my Windows files under Parallels. The Mac side is a pain in the butt. Score one for Bill.

BTW I'm an otherwise extremely happy switcher, I love my MBP!

Well I'm off to try Carbon Copy, but I can't believe something this basic, this simple, isn't built into the vaunted OS X!

Ok so Carbon Copy is a disk cloner, and my only option is to clone the entire Users folder? No way, not good enough. I need to sync certain things, but surely not everything. I'd like to keep my files within my home folder for security reasons, but holy crap there's a lot there that I don't need to put on the server...not to mention my network admin would have my head.

What I need is Offline Files for OS X.

How can I fix this?

I've got rsyncx now, but still pretty complicated for an OS that pitches itself as being easier for everyone. Generate scripts, schedule scripts...pain in the...I just want a simple "on login - sync, on logout - sync" nothing more fancy than that. So if I create the script I want, can I use an event-driven schedule instead of time-driven? How?
