Taming Spotlight: Find by Name


Staff member
I thought I'd hop over to macosxhints.com and yes: http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=20050501162147222&query=set+command-f - there's an article that at least lets me set the default command-f window to finding by name. Now can I have a tip for killing Spotlight in inline folder search? That possible? ;)

Either way. The trick works for me. Had to play a little with the window's defaults in that tip, change the default search term the author uses and get used to "command-f" instead of using inline search. But it works...
Interestingly enough if you just leave that file name set to nothing it still works. Then you have a blank field to type in the file name instead of something you have to select and delete first.
hehehe, normally users get castigated for linking to "other" forums! I guess they weren't "super moderator's" ! haha ;)
Well, macosxhints is not really a forum, it's more like a moderated/edited weblog ...