Terminal woes


Hi, It's my first time using the terminal command and I'm doing something wrong, but I can't for the life of me figure out what it is so I can stop it.

I'm trying to install Daniel's HttpMail Plugin v1.12 so I can access hotmail via my .mac Mail account. I followed teh first step easily enough which was copying a file into the user mail library.

Now, for the second step, the guide reads...

2. In the Applications folder, look for the Utilities folder. Open the Terminal application. Execute the following command in a Terminal window, paying great attention to the exact spelling, then press return.

defaults write com.apple.mail EnableBundles 1

Using copy and paste is a good way to enter the above text

3. Start Mail and open the Preferences panel. Press the Add Account button. In the Accounts panel, you should see a new entry in the Account Type list: httpmail.

Ok, so I did that, but when I go to add account, I don't see the httpmail option. The only thing I can think of is somehow I'm doing the terminal command incorrectly. The terminal help wasn't very helpful.

Can someone tell me what I need to do after hitting the return to enable the command? Thanks a bunch in advance. :)
The terminal command is case sensitive, so you must get the capitals in the right places.

The other way to access these settings is to use an XML editor, such as the one included in the Developer Tools, or a text editor like TextEdit. Open ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.mail.plist and set the property by hand. You will then need to restart Mail to see the change.

On my system, the value is YES rather than 1, as I use bundles for GPGMail, so perhaps a mistake has been made in the instructions for the httpmail plugin. Try changing the command to replace the 1 with a YES and see if that works.
Thanks for the advice mate, I retraced my steps, tried a couple of things and got it going just fine. For my Mac, it was a 1 rather than a yes. Cheers