That painfully cheesy panther video


Ministry of Re-Education
What a bunch of overblown hype. Who the hell is this in-your-face geeky coked up rastafarian-wannabe Omar anyway? The interviews with "random customers" are so obviously fake I felt embarassed. There's hardly any real red meat changes between Jag and Panther so Omar, please, take a chill pill and have some peanuts. Pather should have just been called exposé 10.3, since that's the only cool new function. Everything else is fluff. Stuff I've been doing with 3rd party programs for years.
[/rant] :eek:
That is cheesy...

Order now! See how your life was soo complicated and how Panther makes your life so happy and easy! All designed to make your life easy.. only from tv shop .. wait, apple store ... call now to order .. wait, click now to order... :D

Would Steve have approved that ad? Is Omar the Ethnic Touch to the advertising, with all these white, in shape, professional guys that reperesent the average customers>
Sometimes such videos really work.. I showed it to a friend of mine who wasn't really convinced about Panther, after watching the video he was absolutely sure of buying Panther :)
Omar is Oprah's technology guru. Teaches the soccer moms what an mp3 is and how easy it is to use a digital camera. Very cheesy, but it does cater to some audience out there....somewhere..

EDIT: and I think Phil Schiller is the biggest goober alive. Omar and Phil make a great couple!
Odd you feel that way...

It's stuff I need vs Jaguar really...
So what if they are PRO customers? PRO Customers need this stuff without being nickel and dimed by 3rd party apps. Me included!

Not to mention User Switching! I've been waiting for that since day 1!

The video works - and helped with a few people that where already wanting to switch - it just took them over the top!

Great video from a Pro / Switcher point of view... I guess not so for old Mac home users... :p
I can imagine Omar selling well to the soccer mamas. Well...

User switch? I like it. File wault? I like it. Ichat av? Couldn't there be any more creative way to show ichat av? I saw some deaf guys using that program in the apple store yesterday. They were talking with their hands using isigth and ichat av!!! My mum will love ichat av when she'll try a mac. She is 70 and has never used a computer, is poor in typing, not very technical person. She likes talking on phone - showing someone like her talking to other less technical gurus, then tech gurus on the other features .. then again, deaf talking via camera, maybe blind or visually impaired talking with microphone with their friends, grandmas talking to their nephew... Mac users are not and need not to be all Hi Class Professional Whites. Maybe these white guys sell on the advertising but I'd love to see something different.

Of the other ads - I think the bes ad of the year was the 12" and 17" powerbooks on the plane. That was hilarious! The other ad of january, the photographer exploring Africa was the only other ad of this year that seemed to have something wrong ("see? I'm white, rich, and have a nice Powerbook and you don't even have pencils or paper..").

mighty - do you really have all those iPods? :) :D Lucky guy!
Wow, i'm suprised the commercial got this kind of reaction from actual mac users! When I first saw the video I thought "who the crap is that retard?!" but I watched the video a second time and I must say...from a creative standpoint that video is everything Apple is becomming. "Hip" yet still professional.

That video really got me excited for panther too! All those new features are so great! And now they're built into the actual OS! No more running extra programs to unclutter windows, no more logging out of my machine, no more this and that!

You should all be ashamed of yourselves. Apple did a great job with everything...even the video. :)
*Agress with Trip*

Wish they used Phil or one of the other more famus apple guys instead! :D

Still don't have Panther - I'll have the mailman's head! :mad:
Phil evidently can't act casual, and the recording artist that just hapened to be there, wasn't he in the PowerBook videos?
It's targeted at switchers, not at long time users. They wanted to show off, and yes, it was cheesy, just like other infomercials/tell-sell stuff. Hey: they want to sell the product. Not just to geeks and hackers, but to all kinds of people, even people that like cheesy commercials.

... and some parts were well done ... moving exposé at the rhythm of the music was a nice touch ... and the opening and closing animations of the X and the :) -logo weren't bad ...
I didn't get the feeling that anyone in that commercial just "happened to be there" at all. I thought it was deliberate to show people just how powerful Jaguar is that EVEN a Recording Artist (and whatnot) use it.
I really hope this little commercial works to convince my mom to buy panther - because I really do want it. So Apple - persuade older, not so hip mac users all you want. And I hope you do a spectacular job of it!
But if they used one or two ... chinese, asian, african, black, anything different, or deaf, blind, elderly non computer-litterate persons to show some MORE uses of the computer wouln't that have been even breater? Ichat with Phil sure is great, I'd love to talk to him, but ... deaf people TALKING with their hands, a grandma who hates computers and can't type fluently who loves iChat av, then .. maybe a black rap artist who makes good music and sells a lot, or an asian film director who does good films and uses macs for editing ... Maybe the touch of just a few more details of showing that EVERY kind of people can enjoy it, so those who make Music or Films (capitalized...) or who just can-t hear or see perfect are as well to enjoy the improvements?

I must admit .. even the cheesiness apart, it still does look a lot better than any of the M$ videos I've seen! ;)
They should have had the host been a scantly dressed 21 year old chick with pink hair. And had the co-host been a well dressed 35 year old business man with combed hair. Or the other way around. Either way...

That would have please almost everybody. :D
Yea, the commercial is targeted at non mac users, those that use it regularly doesn't need that. It was basically like a spot he would do for the Oprah show, cheesy, yet reaches the point. And in NO way is that hip/ professional, nothing hip about that, it basically... you know, i dunno, it just is there.

habilis you make it to Legacy Village to the new Apple Store? i wanted to go, traffic was a bit too much for me, kinda pissed, I wanted that t-shirt.
I think Omar is the forgotten 6th member of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy... he did the technology consulting, but they dropped him because they didn't need what he offered. And I think those interviews are as random as QEftSG, too.

But it still showed some of the new features of Panther, and people who know little about computers or who are fed up with Windows are going to see what Panther has to offer and want cool features like FUS and Exposé. And that's all that really matters.