The new OS X update just fried my drive


I was awoken this morning by a call from my Father. He installed the new update and rebooted, and now the HD doesn't work. All we get is a question mark when we boot, and when we try to repair it we are told the drive is "beyond repair"
I don't know if the data is still on it, but I don't know what to do.
Who or what tells you that the drive is "beyond repair?" I don't know of any Mac utilities that use that kind of verbage... I'm not saying the drive isn't beyond repair, just curious as to what's telling you that.
Try DiskWarrior or TechTool Pro to repair the drive.

Did you Repair Permissions and Repair Disk before doing the update?

What version is the update?
B tree node size errors are typically caused by failing hard drives. This isn't something that would be caused specifically by the OS update, but rather by the reading and writing of lots of data to the hard drive in general.

In some cases, you can repair this by booting from your system disk and running disk utility from the Utilities menu. Important, keep running it until it says that your drive appears to be ok. I'll keep my fingers crossed for ya. However, if it works, I'd keep my eyes peeled for flaky behavior. Run Disk Repair several days to week later. If you get another B Tree error, I'd go ahead and order a new hard drive.

If you haven't started regular backups at this point, now would be a good time to start. But that's just a generally good idea.
Thanks I'll keep that in mind. I went to the apple store and they told me to use Disk Warrior, but they don't carry it. Which is kind of stupid. You should carry the products you recommend. But I'll try that as soon as I find it.
Ok I tried DiskWarrior and it says the disk is beyond repair. I know you said it's not the updates fault, but this didn't happen until I updated to 10.4.4 so it is suspicous.