theming error, brushed apps messed up! ...HELP!

Ahhhh! ... all my brushed metal window widgets, have gone! :(
I installed the theme SS Simplex (something like that.. via ...Duality 3.1 (i think)) <-- its built into System Prefs!

Anyhow, i selected the theme, hit apply, and it said it was incompatible with my version of OS X (10.2.3). And So i went back to aqua, and hit apply, logged out, and it seemed fine! ... But its left me No Widgets on the Metallic apps.. which is VERY Annoying!

Can anyone help me?! ... i am done with theming after this, i JUST Want my "widgets" back! LOL

Please, someone help! < sulk >

you have to do this:
reinstall 10.2.3 (i know, it suxor... i don't know any other way) to get the widgets back. in my experiences, switching back to the aqua rsrc doesn't fix the widget problem.
next, download themefur from versiontracker. then apply the jaguar rsrc file to your theme's rsrc as per the instructions that come with themefur.
save the rsrc and then you're good to go!
thanks for the replies guys! ... i just tried Aquafix (thanks for the hookup twister) ... logged out, and no change! :(

I am gonna run on over to apple, and download 10.2.3 again (which is probably the heftest update in a while *typical* :rolleyes: )

hopefully this will work!
