There is an OS poll here...

Don't worry Hulkaros. The gang will sort it out... if you know what I mean (we'll call some 'people').
I feel bad voting seeing as how I have never used commercial Unix or BeOS. I really don't want to bring myself down to the Windows people saying "Windows is better! I've never used anything else, but I know Windows is great!"

And yes, I know not all Windows users are like that.
Originally posted by MikeXpop
I feel bad voting seeing as how I have never used commercial Unix or BeOS. I really don't want to bring myself down to the Windows people saying "Windows is better! I've never used anything else, but I know Windows is great!"

There's no need to feel bad. The poll isn't about which OS you think is best, it's about which you use the most.

If you've never used a commercial Unix or BeOS, then clearly you don't use them the most.
Oh, it is? I couldn't find the poll on the site anyway.

I'll go look again. Thanks :)

EDIT: I didn't click the second link, DER. :p Anyway, I had to comment on one of the comments.

My second OS these days is MacOSX. My powerbook is always next to our couch, so when I am watching TV or sitting in the living room, I turn it on to check my mail and stuff. :)
What does this guy need with a powerbook? I'd gladly exchange my iBook for his powerbook, if all he does is "check his mail and stuff" where I digitally edit video. Heh, sorry, had to rant there.

Stupid iBook, how I love you.
I've used BeOS - it's great for its speed and power. On my old PC a few years back, it ran Quake2 in Windows 98 at 24 fps, and at a whopping 65fps under BeOS, on exactly the same system.

And as for other OS's, I've used every desktop version of windows since 3.0, I've used Caldera, RedHat right up to the current version, and Mandrake. I've used Sun Solaris and OS/2.

By far my favourite is Mac OS X, and I feel no guilt in voting for it because I am an informed consumer. :)
Originally posted by symphonix
I've used BeOS - it's great for its speed and power. On my old PC a few years back, it ran Quake2 in Windows 98 at 24 fps, and at a whopping 65fps under BeOS, on exactly the same system.

And as for other OS's, I've used every desktop version of windows since 3.0, I've used Caldera, RedHat right up to the current version, and Mandrake. I've used Sun Solaris and OS/2.

By far my favourite is Mac OS X, and I feel no guilt in voting for it because I am an informed consumer. :)

I'm just curious, with the exception of OS X, which one is your favorite?
Windows, of course. Always good for an excuse if you're late delivering a piece of work. "You see, we have this driver problem..."
Originally posted by fryke
Windows, of course. Always good for an excuse if you're late delivering a piece of work. "You see, we have this driver problem..."

That's a nice one! :D :D :D ;)

I voted of course Mac OS/Mac OS X BUT... If will combine job and house OS hours the "true" vote will be Windows :rolleyes: :p ::ha::

Yeah, we'll take care of it :) If we could only get everyone to vote, OS X would have about... uhhhh.... 18,000 votes!!!!
Come on people, we love OS X, let's give it some positive press!! :)
We are at 1250 something with 17%... We are 1000 less than Windows and 1500 less then Linux...

Cograts guys for boosting :p things... :D ;)
