Tiger Copy - Legal or Not?


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After years of helping my mom with all her silly windows problems, I finally convinced her to buy a mac and she went out and got a new 15" PB the other day. She was quite disappointed that tiger did not come pre-installed as I have been hyping it up. She did get the mail-in coupon but she was reluctant to get the PB, start using Panther (which is totally new to her) and import all her files on her windows computer and then have to upgrade to Tiger in a couple of weeks when the disk comes.

So, the apple reseller, took a copy of Tiger off the shelf, installed it in her PB and then put it back on the shelf again and didnt give her the disks. they told her to just mail away for the disk. So, does she have a legal copy on her machine? Is there any serial numbers or something associated with this first copy? When they end up selling that copy of tiger that they installed on her PB, will there be bells and whistles flying that 2 people are using the same copy of tiger or is there no way that this is checked? does she then have to reinstall from the new disk that is sent?

Anyway, would appreciate some feedback on dealing with this.
I suppose the copy on her PB will become legit when the discs arrive. Though if you wanted to be ... 'sure' you could just back up the home directory and do a full reinstall when you get the Tiger discs. I think this is pointless, but if you have a strong conscience, this is probably the approach I'd take.
No need for reinstallation. You're entitled to a Tiger license. Send in the coupon, get the discs - but use the installation that works now. Nothing like serial numbers etc. in Mac OS X Client (Server's different).
thanks guys, i hoped this was the case as it saved me and her a headache down the road.
Are there any good resources out there for switchers. She doesn't always catch on to technology that quick so the simpler the better. Maybe a quick reference guide for tiger or something?
Pardus said:
thanks guys, i hoped this was the case as it saved me and her a headache down the road.
Are there any good resources out there for switchers. She doesn't always catch on to technology that quick so the simpler the better. Maybe a quick reference guide for tiger or something?

If she has Tiger, you might have to wait a couple of weeks for the new David Pogue's Missing Manual Tiger Addition. I highly recommend the Missing Manual series for new users. David Pogue's writing styles are easy reading and highly informative. He is actually kind of funny and his books don't treat users as if they were all super power users.
Apple Help has a switcher's guide built in (which proved useful for a friend's mum).

I think it's shocking that the Apple Store would do that, but no, you're not discoverable.

I'm not sure if Registering your product with Apple applies to the OS, but I'm roughly certain it doesn't.
texanpenguin said:
I think it's shocking that the Apple Store would do that, but no, you're not discoverable.
I don't think it was an Apple Store that did it -- rather, an Apple Retailer/Reseller.
It's not that shocking...All new Apple computers come with Tiger, right?. For some reason that store didn't have any spare CDs (or I guess more precisely PB-specific DVDs) to sell her so the tech loaded it on for her. You know, a ''mom'', probably doesn't look technically savvy and definitely doesn't want to reinstall an OS in 3 weeks when it arrives.

I think it's great they did that, very kind. Sure it may be temoporarily legally shady but once the CDs/DVD arrive/s you're legally in the clear.

And really, don't reinstall the OS. The OS is the OS, it's not like a car--the copy on your PB and the copy you'll receive in the mail are likely to be exactly identical.
My sister and her husband just ordered an iMac G5 about two weeks before the launch date of Tiger (in spite of me advising them to hold off, they said they simply couldn't put it off any longer). The iMac took 4 weeks to arrive. Apple agreed to send them a copy of Tiger for media/postage costs only (about $10US all up). I'd suspect this is similar to what has happened in your case.
On a related side note: I had one of the early Rev A eMacs with the notorious display issues. Mine broke within about 4 weeks of taking it home. Took it into Scotsys in Glasgow where I was given, sorry posted the next day a full copy of Jaguar (which I just missed the cut off date for a free upgrade for) boxed and sealed for free! Sometimes it's good when things fail!