Time machine restrictions


I'm planning on moving to leopard over Thanksgiving. I'm going to cram a 300GB drive into my Macbook Pro -- maybe max out the memory too. I'm trying to figure out how to best use time machine ahead of time.

It appears from looking at the UTube movies like it just goes to USB, Firewire, or .Mac disks. Is this true? I can not use Time Machine via wifi to my server? I can sorta see why but, at the same time, I'd like to have the choice.
For now just type in terminal on the client:

defaults write com.apple.systempreferences TMShowUnsupportedNetworkVolumes 1

It might be best to either only allow one client to back up per drive or have one partition for each machine. The reason is that Time Machine will keep eating all the free space on the drive until it's full. Only then does it start deleting old backups. So one client machine might be able to hog the whole drive if it has a lot more changing data on it compared to another one.