Toast and OSX 10.2.2 USB issue: HELP?


After a full day and night of troubleshooting, I am getting a little fed up and tired; perhaps someone can offer a solution to this problem:

When trying to burn a data CD, using Toast 5.2 in conjunction with OSX 10.2.2, the QPS Que! Drive writer (Mitsumi CR-4804TE-USB) seems to perform correctly, but will NOT finish the job. At the end of the burning session, it will remain at the "finishing" stage forever. "abort" will bring up the warning dialogue, when clicking through, Toast then hangs hard on "aborting".

It had already taken me awhile to get OSX 10.2.2 to acknowledge the writer at all; downloading the Cypress USB Storage Driver 1.4J ("J", I suppose stands for Jaguar, click the link to get it), finally solved that.

Also Apple's Disk Copy managed to recognise the burner just once, and is now irretrievably confused. It too, hangs hard, for instance when trying to burn a disk image.

As for "burn CD" in the OSX Finder, that is always grayed out.

All this is going on in my Tangerine (clamshell, single USB) iBook, 160 Mb RAM, 20 Gb harddrive.

Is anyone getting these or similar symptoms, and does anyone maybe have a solution?

I suppose we'll have to live through a few more Jaguar updates yet....
Although I am very impressed and happy with the general state of affairs. Bugs an all, OSX is far and away the most intuitive and most stable user platform around.

thanks for any suggestions! mwn
Here's an answer to my own question, but all you toast 5 users listen up: turns out my problem was caused by Toast 5.2 update: I reverted to Toast Titanium 5.1.2 and voila! problem gone.

So maybe do not upgrade to Toast Titanium 5.2 just yet, and stick with what you've got running!
i tried reverting to toast 5.1.4 which worked fine in os x.1 but it still aborts. do you think i need to uninstall the toast 5.2 files that are in a library folder somewhere?
Toast and Que USB are not compatable, there isn';t a driver for it. Search que on versiontracker, there is a long list of replies. I managed to burn one with mine in Jag, but that was a long time ago, I can never get them to finish sessions. I have to boot into 9 to burn CDs
I have Toast 5.1.4 and it does the same thing, but only when I try to "Copy" a CD. If I burn a CD in "Audio" or "Data" by dragging files into the window, that doesn't happen. I thought it had to do with Cache size or something but that didn't seem to help. I did find that when I burn Audio from iTunes, it does "finish" peroperly.
I don't use Toast, but had similiar problems with my USB Iomega ZipCD 650 ... turned out that if I plugged the USB cable directly into my iBook instead of having it go through my USB Hub I could burn CD's just fine. Made a LOT of bad burns before I figured that out. Good Luck!