toast image to dmg


i have a toast image file and i want to convert it to dmg format so it can open to any mac that doesn't have toast installed, is there a way to do this from the latest version of Toast Titanium?
Your Disk Utility should mount the .toast file, and you can burn it, or do whatever you need. The other possibility is to simply change the .toast extension on that file to .iso
Disk Utility will certainly burn an iso.
You can also use Toast itself to mount the Toast image, then open Disk Utility and make a new DMG file from the mounted filesystem that Toast mounted.
do you agree that a dmg file would be the best solution to have a image file, just because its compatible to open in any mac that doenst have image apps other than the systems? and wouldnt you rather have image files in dmg format rather than toast or iso?
Depends on your purpose, I suppose. A .toast image doesn't need Toast installed for you to use it on a Mac. An .iso is fairly universal - and a .dmg would work on any Mac. Of the three, the .dmg is the least likely to confuse, but all could be used for software distribution with little problem - unless the Mac is quite old - 10.3 or older.

Just curious - what is your purpose with distributing disk images?
hah did i give you the idea of image distribution? no its just that with everything i do i search for the optimum way to do it, so this is one of those situations... thanx though ;)
...convert it to dmg format so it can open to any mac that doesn't have toast installed...

That just sounded like you wanted to make a bunch of copies, or distribute to miscellaneous Macs.
Once you have an image, and you burn it to disk, which you can use on any Mac, without deciding if the image will work.
That just sounded like you wanted to make a bunch of copies, or distribute to miscellaneous Macs.
Once you have an image, and you burn it to disk, which you can use on any Mac, without deciding if the image will work.
Delta, im sorry but i didn't quite get that!
Sorry, maybe I write in circles sometimes - so, to rephrase what I said:
Your original post seemed to say that you wanted to make copies that would work on any Mac. If you have a 'toast' image, you can use that as is on most Macs, or change the extension to an .iso, which again, can be used on most recent Macs, or change to a .dmg, which will give you use on most any Mac running OS X.
So, .dmg is probably optimum, but the other two will work without much difficulty.
Any of those image types can be burned to a CD or DVD, which you can then use on any Mac, no problem.... again - depends on what you have, and what you're doing with that image.
It just depends on what you want to do (which you haven't offered yet.)
Sorry, maybe I write in circles sometimes - so, to rephrase what I said:
Your original post seemed to say that you wanted to make copies that would work on any Mac. If you have a 'toast' image, you can use that as is on most Macs, or change the extension to an .iso, which again, can be used on most recent Macs, or change to a .dmg, which will give you use on most any Mac running OS X.
So, .dmg is probably optimum, but the other two will work without much difficulty.
Any of those image types can be burned to a CD or DVD, which you can then use on any Mac, no problem.... again - depends on what you have, and what you're doing with that image.
It just depends on what you want to do (which you haven't offered yet.)
so without using any other apps (e.g. DiskUtility) i can just make a file extension rename from .toast to .dmg or .iso and all is ok?
and one more thing why .dmg wont work on all macs as you say?
The .dmg would work on any Mac. But the contents of that image may not be usable, or useful on an older Mac.

Changing the file extension is just changing the name of the file: Delete .toast, and add .iso
If you try that, you should see that the icon also changes.

You still haven't given any example of what you are doing. The file name (extension) change is super-simple. The result may be useful to you, or may not help at all.
.toast to .iso is very common, and should be OK.
But, keep in mind that you may not need to change the extensions at alll, and the files simply does what you need an image for - which is to mount a disk or folder, or to burn a disk.
What is your goal here - what do you have that's in a .toast file

Are you really not going to tell why you need this? It would really make this a lot more helpful to get away from generic statements.
Its not some secret plan that im keeping it a secret, not at all, i just want to gather a few files that are scattered here and there and want to make an archive of image files just so that everything will be in order. And of course i want themto be as compatible/"universal" as possible so that they will mount in any of my future macs.
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