Transfer files from desktop to laptop??


Okay... I have a Mac laptop (graphite clam style) running the latest X...

and I also have a Windows desktop... I have some MP3's on my desktop that I want to put on my mac...

is there any way for me to somehow transfer the files from my desktop to my laptop?

note: im pretty new to macs so please be as layman as possible :)
Can do...
1. Activate file sharing on the windows machine
2. Use an ethernet CROSS-OVER cable between the two machines
3. Drive the connection FROM Mac TO PeeCee:
Open Connect To Server (Apple K) and type in smb://<PeeCee name>/shared folder name> or smb://<PeeCee IP address>
e.g. smb://Wallamaloo/Documents
4. Transfer files...
if this dosent work, it is most likely that the ip address of the pc does not match the mac, they must be on the same subnet

on the PC go to network connections, local area->tcp/ip->properties, and set the ip address to

ip address for pc =
subnet for pc =

ip address for mac =
subnet for mac =

the mac ip address can be set in system preferences ->network

then configure manually

you dont need to worry about the default gateway(pc) or router(mac) fields

you only need to do this if Jabberwocky's suggestion doesn't work - this will be the most likely fix!

Post back if you have problems, also you could try searching the forums. Im sure there are plenty of threads very similar to this
I am not certain on this, but aren't the iBooks Ethernet cards auto-switching?
I know mine is, but then his is an old clamshell, so maybe his doesn't have one of those...