Trash Trouble


I'm completely flummoxed on this one... I had made a simple finder copy of my internal drive to my external drive, just for ease of transferring files that had originally been on my previous machine. That worked fine. Now that I no longer need the copy, I put it in the trash and tried to delete all the files.

Well, seems OS X doesn't agree with my idea, gives me messages that the operation can't be completed (error -43) because some files "can't be found." On top of that, I can't even take the files out of the trash, either for the same reason, or because they're supposedly in use... they're not!

For those of you who might (I hope, I hope) have some suggestions, I'm running a dual G4, 1GHz tower, with OS X 10.1.5, the standard Seagate 80G internal, and a LaCie 80G Firewire external. I've tried using "Drive 10" and it found some volume problems on the internal drive, but not on the LaCie, but still no go. Anybody know what's up here??? :confused:
It sounds like you have some files that have been locked. This is common from the days of OS9. I had this problem when I first switched over many many moons ago. There are some files in the trash that are locked and since they are lock they don't want to be moved from Trash because it thinks you are moving them to another hard drive. Back when there were no programs out that would fix this (Check for 'Trash') I had to do it the hard way.

This is what I did:

Open the trash and then click Apple-I to bring up a show info window. Leave the window open in a corner so that you can see the locked checkbox. Now go back to the trash window and select a file and check to see if it's locked. Unlock the file if it's locked and move on to the next file until they are all unlocked.

Obviously this is a slow and painful task, but none the less this worked for me, though your mileage may vary.

I would definitely try out versiontracker and try out a program from there to clean out your trash (it would be so much faster and easier to deal with). Also there are commands you can type into the terminal to get the trash clean, you might be able to search here and pick up an earlier thread on cleaning the trash using terminal.

Good luck!:p
try using BatchMod. just drag them to the BM icon and then you can change all that stuff - unlock the files, change permissions, etc. then flush.
If you dont trashed the can yet you can open terminal and type:

"cd Desktop"

then you type :

"cd .Trash" (note type it without the qoutes)

Now you have told the terminal to browse into the trash directory from your root directory in your home folder.
Now typ this command to clen the trash:

"sudo rm -r *" If it promts you try to type it without "-r"

Now youy have to type your password to force clen the trash you won´t see what youre typing i dont why but the leters is there...Then the trash shoudl be empty :)
