Two G4s, a hub and problems


Hello, I handle the computers at a construction company and they are plaguing me. First one is a 450 mhz 512 mg ram AGP Graphics G4 running 10.2. The second is a 933 mhz G4 with 768 megs. They are connected to a D-Link 4 port hub, along with a largish HP color lazer.
Here's the trouble:

450 G4 won't see other devices on the network and insists that I am connected to the internet with built in ethernet and although will dial up to the ISP nothing works untill I disable the built-in Ethernet port in the Network preferences pane. Then everything seems to work.

933 G4 sees other devices and can attempt to connect to the 450 but it times out after all attempts.

This ack of file sharing is an inconvieniene, but all I really need these machines (and an indigo iBook a few offices over, also on the hub) to see each other so the slower ones can use the faster one's internet conenection so we don't have three computers tying up three phone lines. I know how this is supposed to work but I can't connect any of the machines together for the first step in the process.

Any help or ideas would be helpful.
For this to work, the internet sharing Mac must have Location set to "Automatic," in the Network Preferences. Set up each individually (modem and Built-in Ethernet), then set location to Auto.
No, and I can't figure out why. All it seems to have done so far is prevent the slower G4 from utilizing a modem connection when present.
Both computers, to be more specific, although connected via modem to the internet seperately (and are networked together through a hub) insist in the Sharing preferences pane that they are connected to the internet via built-in ethernet. How can I fix that? I feel that it has something to do with the problem. I need to have this solved before the 31 of October, when DSL will be avalible (though I think that would be easier to configure.
Dear RMX256,

OK, you can calm down, Mac network expect to the rescue. I have ready your description and from what I have gather, you have two Macs, one printer and a ethernet hub. What you want to do is set up a network and share the internet connection that is connected on one machine. Piece of piss.

First, to basics. I assume that all your equipment is up-to-date with 10.2.6? If not, please update. Also, get the details of your ISP ready, as these will be needed.

Second, we start with the first Mac, the Mac that will be connecting to the Internet. Boot the Mac up and get it ready to connect to the Internet. OK, we start with the Network Preferences.

1. Goto to the System Preferences > Network.
2. On the Location tab, select New.
3. Enter a new Location name, something like Network Work.
4. Now, you are display with settings to fill in. On the "Show" tab, you can to disable certain network ports, like Airport or IrDA Modem Port. Also, you need to list them in priority. This is done by selecting it and dragging it. See screenshot NetworkPorts.pdf for further help. The oonly two ports you need are Ethernet (for the network) and Modem (to connect to the Internet) Make sure that these are "checked" and the rest not.
5. You have to set up each Port configuration separately. We start with the Modem one, so that we can connect to the web. Fill in all the ISP details and save and apply. Then connect to the Internet. If you connect, the battle is half won already!
6.Connect the Mac to the Ethernet hub with some cable and connect your printer to the hub as well. We are now going to see if the Network works. Turn the printer on as well.
7. In the Network preferences, Select Built-In Ethernet. Here are the settings to use. Configure "Using DHCP", make sure AppleTalk is switched on. Save and apply.
8. Goto the Print Centre and see if you can see the Printer in the AppleTalk section. IF you can, then you are talking to the device over the network. If you can't, we're in trouble!
9. If you are not on the Internet, connect now.
10. Once you are connected, goto the the Sharing Preference Panel. Select the Internet tab.
11. Hopefully, it should say something like "You are connected to the Internet via Modem, sharing via Ethernet." If you have, then we are nearly there!
12. Start up the other Mac, connect it to the hub via some Ethernet cable. Goto to the Network Preference Panel and select new location; like before. But this time, you only connecting via Ethernet, so all other ports can be disabled. Make sure that the port is at the top of the list.
For the setting, Config it "Using DHCP" and make sure AppleTalk is on.
Give the machine a few minutes to resolve itself. With any luck, Mac2 can now share Mac1's internet connection. Also, it should be able to see the printer.

Hopefully, you can follow this and set up your Macs. Now, you said that you are getting xDSL in to replace the Dial-up. First, you have to make sure that there are two ethernet cards in Mac1. Setting up the Mac is still the same, but the naming is different. Built-in Ethernet is well, the built-in port, also known as en0. The new card will be name ...Ethernet Card, also known as en1.

When it comes to sharing, it will read something like: You connected to the Internet using Built-in Ethernet (en0) and sharing using Farroll Ethernet Card (en1).

Some issues that you might find useful:

1. For sharing to work, the Macs must be on the same Subnet Mask address range.

2. If DHCP doesn't work, try these IP numbers:

For your sharing Ethernet ports:

Subnet Mask:
DNS: <Same as your ISP's>

Subnet Mask:
DNS: <Same as your ISP's>

Hope that it helps :)


I really appreciate the time that you took to write that out, I've saved it for future reference. Everything is working.

I'm still a little mysterious on one point, that is why when the machine (either) is connected via the dialup modem internal, why would the Sharing preferences pane say, 'You are connected to the internet via ethernet' when there is a dialup connection active? They don't say that now, but that's all they would reveal before I got it to work.. It just changed all of a sudden and I am not sure how I did it...?