Unwanted Programs open automatically on Startup


I have 3 computers in my school (OS 10.4.2) that upon startup launch an application. I can't find anywhere to stop this. There are no programs set in Automater. Can anyone help?

the programs are iTunes and Microsoft Word.

Thank you,
If your administrator set those programs to launch automatically, then you need to take the issue up with him. If the program launch within your account, then you should look at the Login Items tab in the Accounts preferences pane. Uncheck the items that you don't want to launch.
You can accidently set items to open on login. It's an option in the pop-up Dock menu. You can choose it by mistake with a slip of the mouse. The option gets ticked in the pop-up when chosen. Choose again and it will "untick".
also, you can manually remove unwanted startup items (assuming you have admin control) from /Library/StartupItems & /users/"username"/Library/StartupItems