Utility Question


Hi all! I've a simple question... I switched from PC to Mac... I'm very happy about this choice and I'm searching for some interesting programs... I need an alarm clock solution... what do you think it's a good alarm application for Mac? Thanks in advance =),
You'll find a lot of software on VersionTracker at http://www.versiontracker.com/

Check out some of these: http://www.versiontracker.com/mp/ne...e=Quick&OS_Filter=MacOSX&search=alarm&x=0&y=0

You can also look at this (slightly old) How-To for using iTunes as an alarm clock: http://www.macosx.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=8436

The only thing to remember is that it won't work if the system is fully asleep, unless you use an app like EnergyX to wake the mac up shortly before the alarm.

Other utilities and minor apps that I consider very useful, and that you might be interested in, are:
- Konfabulator
- GraphicConvertor
- Fire
- BBEdit
- VideoLan Client & MPlayer (for Divx)
Welcome, MacNewbie_85!

You'll find plenty interesting programs. I too switched a couple years ago. OS X is much more fun.
