verizon or earthlink


I wanna know the ppl opinon who have earth link serivce and verizon dsl service. I dont get the althouht says 128kbs i only dl at 62.? i have verizon right now. earth linka also says 128kbs. Should i switch to earth link help me out anything will help me.
Earthlink will be MUCH better. I don't know about speed wise, but service wise they will be much nicer and knowledgable about Macs and OS X, over the phone and on their site.

I am stuck with verizon right now and it is one of the worst experiences ever. Their provided pop account email is like communism, they know nothing about macs, and they block important incoming ports so you can't run mini servers even for testing!

I can't wait til the verizon contract is up and I can switch to earthlink.
I just checked the price of verizon and earthlink and they are both at 50 now and my dsl cost me 40 right now. How many kbs are you dl at and is cable better. Most of my friends have cable and they say its better. is it?
Verizon downloads can be slow a lot of times, I've heard good things about earthlink though. But it all depends on your area.

I used to have Cable, it was fast, but they provided poor service and the downtimes were very frequent, so when we switched to Dish Network I decided to trash the cable modem and go with DSL.
Ah, let me tell you of my experience with Earthlink. :D

Once upon a time, a long time ago, about a week to be exact, Nkuvu got a new iMac. Nkuvu had been using a local ISP with Windows 2000, but they were like a wicked stepmother when it came to support. Nkuvu would call and ask "Oh ISP support, why oh why can I not connect to your fair service?" Whereupon the ISP stepmother -- I mean support -- would reply " Nkuvu was irritated by the condescending attitude of the support people, but the local ISP did offer free fruit, so Nkuvu waited, hoping that the connections would get better.

Then one day in a flash of light, Nkuvu's fairy godmother appeared and with a *poof* of her wand gave Nkuvu a brand new flat panel iMac. The fairy godmother only asked Nkuvu for some pieces of paper in return! Oh, joy! Nkuvu danced with delight. Since Nkuvu is and was an internet addict, Nkuvu immediately tried to connect to the internet. Lo and behold, the local ISP had apparently been eating their own poisoned fruit, for there was no response from the remote computers. Nkuvu called the evil stepmothers, and they said "Foolish young Nkuvu, this is not our fault. We are at the mercy of the poor phone lines, and can do nothing to ease your internet addiction. Here, eat this poisoned fruit." Nkuvu refused the fruit, and with sudden realization knew how to foil the plot of the evil stepmothers.

Nkuvu spoke to the fairy godmother, and she suggested finding a new ISP. "This local company is filled with buffoons" she stated. So Nkuvu tried to create an account with Earthlink. After all, Earthlink software was included on the shiny new flat panel iMac, so Nkuvu figured that the fairy godmother had placed it there.

Nkuvu went to the web page to create an account. The web page cried out "No! You cannot put any dashes or spaces in the phone number!" and Nkuvu replied "Silly web page, if you can see the dashes, why not remove them yourself?" The web page did not respond, so Nkuvu wearily removed the dashes from the phone number. Nkuvu examined the information, checked it twice, and pressed "Submit" After a long pause, the web page was reloaded with no information entered. Nkuvu sighed, then entered the information again. Once more the result was the same.

Now at this point, dear reader, keep in mind that Nkuvu has not had a working internet connection for days. The local ISP can be coerced into connection on rare occasions, so Nkuvu was not completely starved. In frustration, Nkuvu sent an email to Earthlink support, pleading and growling for a new account. Minutes passed, and Nkuvu began to fear that all ISPs had been sabotaged by poison fruit. With a flash of light a message appeared in Nkuvu's Inbox. Nkuvu eagerly opened it up, only to find words similar to the following: "Dear Earthlink Member. We love you! You love us! To get more email inboxes, just go to our support page, and enter your member name and password where we tell you! Sigh! Aren't you happy? We're so happy!" Nkuvu knew that there must be a different brand of poisoned fruit at Earthlink. So Nkuvu searched briefly on the internet, found another ISP, and lived happily ever after...

The End :D
I think Earthlink DSL's signup is a little different than Earthlink Dialup. You may have to call them for details on that. I've heard they're generally a good ISP. Maybe Java wasn't enabled in your browser?
All of my clients prefer Earthlink -- for both their technical services and user features as well as customer support. DSL speeds are generally good (around 600k - 700kps).
Java was enabled in my browser, as was javascript, and I was even using IE. There's no reason the page should not have worked from my end.

Their customer support may be good -- maybe I just got them on a bad day. But when I say "I can't create a new account from this page" (with the actual address of the "new account creation" page in place of the this, and they say "Here's how you add email inboxes", I am more than a little suspicious of their customer support capability. Another point to mention is that I specified that I am running Mac OS X in my first email. The steps to add email boxes included going to my C: drive, choosing "Program Files", etc etc. It's a lot like they didn't even take the time to read my email...
A lot depends on where exactly you are located. You can get a bunch of user feedback by going to
I have a cable modem connection myself, and love it! During off hours I consistently get ~ 2000 kbps download speeds. In "prime time," the rate can drop to ~ 1000 kbps, which is still pretty damn good.
It is sooo nice to be able to download something like Yellow Dog Linux in less than an hour!
I have Earthlink (through Covad), and I love it.
I average about 150 Kbps downstream (if the server/host is fast), and average about 38.4 Kbps upstream.
Occasionally my DSL service goes out (I'm guessing routine maintenance.. or maybe power outages..), but thats rare.
I've never had to contact customer support for tech support, because EVERYTHING has been so smooth. From installation to just general usage.
I pay 49.95 a month.. a bit more than cable, but Its nice not having to worry about the quality of the service going down as more users log on. Plus, It seems most ISPs are limiting uploads to 128kbits a sec now. I signed up when it was 384kbits a sec.. and they've kept it at that. =) So all good and dandy.

The only time I did contact customer service was when I saw they were having a special "39.95 a month for so many months (can't remember)..", and asked if I could be switched to that. It was a contract deal, and a setup fee was suppose to be charged (which I didn't know about.. I just thought these people were getting DSL for 39.95!!!).. but the customer service rep was friendly about it, saying "Sure, and I'll even waive the set up fee for you!"

Really cool..

Anywho, I have cable. I've had 2 minor service interuptions in 1 year. Not bad. Cable gets much better downloads 1500-2000 Kb/s (DSL varies but most people I know get around 1/3 of that.)

The nice thing about DSL is the upload speeds. On my cable modem it is horrible. I get about 120 Kb/s upload. I believe most of the cable companies try to keep you from using multiple computers as well. They want you to pay $7 a month or so for another IP.

Cable is cheaper here $43 vs $50.

I have Comcast cable BTW.
Originally posted by THEMACER
I wanna know the ppl opinon who have earth link serivce and verizon dsl service. I dont get the althouht says 128kbs i only dl at 62.? i have verizon right now. earth linka also says 128kbs. Should i switch to earth link help me out anything will help me.

I was a earthlink dialup customer for 6 months, and I liked their service, particularly for mac users. Not sure youll get that quality of mac help with verizon?

earthlink replied to support emails... and better yet..

live 24/7 chat! over your computer.

so, if your online, and have a question, issue, problem, billing, etc... you can chat live with a real person!

Id vote for earthlink personally. I was very happy with their dialup.

However, consider cable..... its faster, and cheaper than dsl.

cable is the ONLY reason i left earthlink.... a need for speed. :)

and dsl was NOT avail on my phone line...