Virtual PC not sharing!


I have Virtual PC 6, and in the settings, when I go tio "Shared Folders", it says "Not installed" next to it, and the sharing buttons are greyed out. So now I can't open files I downloaded in X:(
What is the guest OS? If it's some kind of Windows, it should work if 1-you have the VPC Extras installed. These are important anyway, since they improve video performance, as well as enabling shared folders. 2-Windows has to be running. If it's not (even in a saved state), it will show 'Not Installed' for shared folders.

If it's Linux (BSD, whatever), you can't do it. The VPC Extras are only for Windows... :(
I'm running XP. With "Extras" do you mean "Virtual PC Additions"? If so, this is the error I get when I click "Download additions":

Yeah, VPC Additions is what I meant. :)

As for the error... urg... I've never seen that before. I'm not using XP; just Win2K, but even when I did put XP on just to see what its performance was like, the Additions installed just fine.

Looking at my real winxp machine, if you open the Disk properties in hardware manager, there's a tab for "Policies" where you can turn off write-back caching:


Turning this off will certainly cause a performance hit, but it may allow you to get the VPC Additions installed. You could then turn it back on once they're installed, but if you keep seeing this message, I'd be a bit concerned about the integrity of data within the VPC volume.

Are you running FAT32 or NTFS within VPC? FWIW, the XP install I did was with NTFS, and I did not turn off writeback caching. Also, is this a fixed-size or dynamic VPC image (mine is dynamic)? Don't know why that would make a difference though...

Hope that this helps...