Hi there,
I just installed VPC 7.1 on my ibook that's running Mac OS X 10.2.8...
the problem occurs when I'm trying to install Win Xp on my virtual hard drive, I cant seem to be able to capture the CD image to install Windows..
any ideas?
I have just installed XP on VPC 7.0.2 and didn't need to capture a CD image. I just put the XP disk in the drive on the Mac and started the Virual PC up. It then installed exactly as it does on a PC. I installed 2003 Server the same way with no problems.
Try it without capturing the image and se what happens.
well the only reason I need to capture the cd image is cause it won't start up the installation of the Win XP CD alone...I only get the DOS window saying ...insert disc or floppy...etc
Start up the Virtual PC app, then go File>New, or press CMD-N.
I think option 2 is what you are looking for. It will then guide you through installing Windows XP on your VPC..