virtual private network


If I have VPN connected to use Entourage to get email off exchange server, my wife can't send messages via Eudora, which is what she uses to access her email. If I disconnect VPN, Eudora works fine, but of course Entourage then disabled. The OS won't allow us to have multiple network configurations. This was never a problem with the PC. For quite some time I would use MS-Outlook (connected via VPN) while my wife would use Eudora, simultaneously, and there was no problem. Not til we went to Mac.
What do you mean by "The OS won't allow us to have multiple network configurations."? I have used multiple configurations on my Macs since about 1913. They are called Locations and you can establish as many as you want. To create a new Location, select {Apple Menu} > Location > Network Preferences.... Once created, each Location will be available in the same hierarchical menu.
I have used multiple configurations on my Macs since about 1913.

ROTFLMAO!!! That would have been 93 years ago! I call bullshit! (hehehe)

Apple did not exist in 1913 and Steve Wozniac did not design the Apple I until 1976!