Want to empty trash with deleted user, have tried every single terminal code...


Ok, I am logged in as a root. I want to delete an empty folder calle "h". It was a test user. It's in the trash, but i want to empty the trash. I cant. They say i dont have permissions to do so. So I search for topics about this and not ONE has helped me since I tried all the codes in the terminal app and it didnt work. They did trash other files in my trash, but not this one. Then i downloaded BatChmod, and that didnt work either. Im getting a bit frustrated with with this problem since you could compare it to an itch and you cant scratch it. :D
type in the terminal
"sudo rm -rf " (there is a space after the -rf)
then drag the folder from the trash to the terminal window.
press enter
enter the password
hopefully it should delete the folder
did you put in the "-rf" after the "rm" command ?
I was my understanding that "rm -rf" command would delete a directory even if it wasnt empty.
I'm having this same problem, and I know unix pretty well. it seems like maybe its a file system corruption.

i have a folder called "junk" i can rename the folder, but I cannot delete it or move it. There is nothing in it.

examine this code if you dont believe me:

[darklotus:Null/.Trashes/501] reloaded# whoami
[darklotus:Null/.Trashes/501] reloaded# ls -la
total 8
drwx------    4 reloaded unknown       136 Nov  9 01:06 .
d-wx-wx-wx    4 reloaded unknown       136 Aug 24 20:22 ..
-rwx------    1 reloaded unknown      6148 Nov  9 01:06 .DS_Store
drwxrwxrwx    9 reloaded admin         306 Nov  8 11:14 junk
[darklotus:Null/.Trashes/501] reloaded# rm -r junk

rm: junk: Directory not empty
[darklotus:Null/.Trashes/501] reloaded# ls -la junk
ls: : No such file or directory
total 0
drwxrwxrwx    9 reloaded admin         306 Nov  8 11:14 .
drwx------    4 reloaded unknown       136 Nov  9 01:06 ..
[darklotus:Null/.Trashes/501] reloaded#

isn't it odd how "ls -la junk" says "no such file or directory" ??
I CANNOT figure this one out... I'm going to try and use the disk utility to examine the disk, but it keeps telling me the disk is in use and cannot be unmounted. when I get a chance, I will boot to the OSX cd.

Anybody have any other ideas?