Web Host: Unix or windows


Master of Reality
I am looking into getting a website for my dad's business, and I was wondering whether I should get it on a Unix Server or a Windows Server (please, no "go with Unix because it isn't windows":rolleyes:). What are the advantages and disadvantages of the two? for example, one advantage I know of for windows is that you get free webmail.

I'd go with Linux because I find it more stable and eaiser to remote-manage.

As a contrast, I administered an OS 9.1 machine running WebSTAR on a G4 (forget the processor speed) with tonnes of RAM and OMG that was not pretty... crashed twice a day, reinstallations, deactivation almost all extensions besides the ones which were absolutely necessary, tothing worked. And to boot, it was the student services site for my old college, so you can image the amount of technical email I got...

But not to host on Classic, I think, goes without saying, especially in a place like this. I unfortunately had no choice (not in a position to buy new system, though I tried to get them to move to X).
Dedicated is a computer dedicated to you alone, shared is well, a shared computer.

With Windows you get stuff like Microsoft IIS to access ODBC/Access databases, that I don't think you can get with Linux.

Linux I find to be a bit more stable, a bit faster, and eaiser to use. I suppose it's more of a personal preference from that perspective. Not sure: whenever I think web server I think in forward slashes, not back slashes hehe.
In terms of security, go with Apache. Microsoft just released ANOTHER security bulletin regarding its IIS (Internet Information Server). Go with MS if you wish to use FrontPage extensions.

Apache is more stable and secure, it is also much more popular MS solutions. Apache has more than 54% of the server market while IIS has about 34%. If you don't plan to use SQL Server, and instead plan to opt for MySQL using PHP or JSP - Apache is definitely the way to go. It simply works more efficiently with PHP and JSP.
With Windows you get stuff like Microsoft IIS to access ODBC/Access databases, that I don't think you can get with Linux.

what is this stuff? and what is it useful for?
thanks again.
btw, My dad's business is called Liquid Disguise, he does Custom Decorative painting and special effects type work. He wants the website to be liquidisguise.com, with only 1 D, while I think it is much better with 2 Ds, what do you think?
is apache for Unix? the options are Windows 2000 or Unix, and I don't need frontpage extensions. It will be a fairly simple website...

Originally posted by xaqintosh
is apache for Unix? the options are Windows 2000 or Unix, and I don't need frontpage extensions. It will be a fairly simple website...


For simple sites, either options would be fine. So it really comes down to personal preferences, especially considering you don't plan to use Frontpage extensions.

Apache is the most popular webserver for the Unix platform - it is the webserver bundled with Mac OS X and most Linux distributions.

I personally would go with Unix, simply because I know it's a more secure server, but for simple sites, it makes little difference.

P.S. Definitely with 2 D's... It is MUCH easier to remember... You don't want to explain, "that's with one d" all the time.
Even security can't be an issue, as you're paying for a service that includes this. (!) It's not exactly *your* fault when *their* service is attacked. For a simple website, go for the cheapest bidder. Try their lines by accessing both their own servers and the sites of their customers. Compare the speeds you're getting. Of course, speed always depends on where the server is located in relation to your own line.
Apart from security, UNIX has other advantages over windows on shared hosted solutions. UNIX is much better at separating the amount of resource (processing power, memory, etc.) that is available to each web site, and can create 'virtual UNIX servers'. This means that it is a lot more difficult for another badly designed website hosted on the same UNIX box to hose your web site.

I have used windows hosted services before and have had real problems when someone's badly designed ASP pages have ground the machine to a halt. I had to move the web site in the end and have had no such problems on the same hosting companies UNIX service.

Originally posted by phatsharpie
Go with MS if you wish to use FrontPage extensions.
we use UNIX servers and we have FP extensions... microsoft makes them for more than just windows based servers...

i've really got to stop using frontpage at work... we're planning on switching, but that would be difficult during the peak season

oh yea.. if i were you, get the UNIX server... it's cheaper and faster than windows servers... and they're really flexable from what i've been told in the past
Ok, thanks for the input. I'm gonna go with Unix, which I was planning on all along, simply because its not Windows ;)
also, if you go with Unix... you can use your MacOSX computer as a development server, get everything working good on it, and then upload it and it will work pretty much exactly as is. (PHP, sHTML, MySQL, etc.)

i do this all the time.
Ive worked with both systems quite a bit, and I can say that they are both very usable. Your choice will depend more on what platform you prefer to work with than anything else. Also, you need to take some things into concideration liek the fallowing:

1. Do you plan on having any dynamic/db dirven content?
if so, you will need to be sure that the web server supports it. For unix, make sure they have php and mysql, for ms, make sure they have asp and either access support or ms-sql server. In general, both platforms are good with this, php tends to run a little faster and is accepted as being a more stable, scaleable platform.

2. Do you have any pre-built content?
If so, this will almost make the dessision for you. If you have alot of pages hanging around with .asp extentions, you will most likely want to go with ms, if you have alot of perl scripts that are for unix, that would be the choice.

Like I said above, both platforms are usable, and both have alot of exposure. I personnaly perfer unix. You will also see that the choices are wider for unix hosting. If you want a recommendation for a host, try http://www.linuxwebhost.com. They are reliable, easy to use, and to my experiance have not had many if any problems. They support MySQL, PHP, CGI, shopping carts, SSL, PGPemail, mail hosting, etc. For 15bucks a mnth, you get 50 email accounts, 100meg of space, and like 2 gig of band width
Ok, I'm definitely using Unix, on hostonce.com, which has unlimited space, emails, and bandwidth, and is only $5 a month, including domain name!

thanks to everyone for the input!
What do you guys think about linuxmotor.com??

Does 40 bucks per year sound too good to be true for unlimited space, unlimited bandwidth?