Web Sharing and Router/IP Address Question


Hi all:

In short:
What IP address must others use to browse my own shared web pages?

I just installed DSL at home, with an Actiontec Modem/Router networking several machines, including a G4/OSX minitower.

I have a shared web folder (the normal/default one in my home directory), using the built-in Apache Server that comes with Jaguar. Weeks ago, I had a friend visit my webpages/website, when I was connected by dialup service. I emailed him the IP address (listed at the bottom of the Sharing panel, and he browsed it, no problem.

Now that I have DSL Modem/Router, I notice that the IP address is something like . The firewall is down, and other local computers connected to the router can see the site, but I can't browse it from computers outside, for instance, from my computer at my job site. I am pretty sure that I'll need to use an IP address other than the, but what address should I use?
First you need to use the IP of the DSL modem. Go to whatismyip.com to get it. Second you need to set up port forwarding on your modem so that port 80 gets forwarded to

Then your external IP should work form the outside if your DSL provider is not filtering it out.

Absolutely right, but to clarify Eric's comment, you need to tell people to access the rouuter's EXTERNAL IP address as it will also have an internal address which will probably be (or possibly as mine was) as it has assigned to your G4 using DHCP.

Browse from your G4 to either www.whatismyip.com or if that is down, try www.myipaddress.com and it will tell you the external i.e. public address of the router.

Friends could browse straight to your machine when you used a dial-up as it was the G4 that was connected directly to the internet with a public address.

Now it is the router that is connected to the net and the G4 to the router. So you need to RTFM to set up the router to forward web site requests to the IP address of the G4, coz the router will not know if you have one machine attached to it or 20 and hence would not know which one was hosting the web site.
You can have a hostname assigned to your IP address, even if it changes, by using a dynamic DNS service. When your IP address does change, the dynamic DNS service will automatically reassign the new IP address to your hostname.

That way your friends won't have to type in a long, ugly IP address to get to your web page.

For an example of wwhat these services can do for you, check out the service I use, http://www.dyndns.org