Well done

my only positive spin on this is that it seems to have worked in calif to oust one party and bring the other to power - so when's the presidential recall starting?

i hated the bonzo years and i'm sure i'll hate the terminator years. no doubt that calif will end up with a surplus of money in the govt again because the republicans will cut every social service and educational benfit we have. but that's the way to perpetuate this. if our educational system was up to par, we wouldn't have had 53% of the people stupid enough to fall for this. the money that Davis got gouged for our energy expenses was much better spent than what we got gouged to pay for this election.
Well, at least Arnold's the only Republican majority (as governor) in California's legislature now... the Senate and Assembly are both Democratically controlled.

What can I say, I voted for McClintock. Hell, I voted against the recall. Sheesh...
interesting that only one county switched its vote from 2002, San Benito I think (check the interactive map at toast's link).

I guess margins were less, maybe due to turnout?

Glad I live in Cairo... :D
I think this sets a dangerous precedent in politics and government. If the people dislike whoever is in office, just hold a recall election and get someone new in place - WRONG! The reason we have elections for governors every two years, senators every 6 years, and presidents every 4 years is to provide someone with a strategy and chance to improve the lives of Americans and make this country a better place to live. It's not like we elect a politician to office for life. If s/he can't do the job correctly or satisfactorily, vote in a new candidate, DON'T HOLD A RECALL ELECTION!

You wait and see, this will cause some problems in the future, mainly for the voters and instigated by the political parties. This recall election wasn't about a person doing a poor job in office, it's about gaining political control of an executive position of a state by a politcal party that can't wait one more year for a scheduled election. Oh, and one more thing, this doesn't just affect California, this affects national policy as there will be one more republican in the House of Representatives. Expect more Bush-pro policies to pass slightly easier.
Arnold is a trillionaire, and he does have a pretty big ego, as well as pretty big muscles. But still, we don't know how he'll do in office. I say everybody should hold off on concrete opinions until a couple months have passed. And then we can all start complaining/praising. ;)

And I agree with you c_geek! They shouldn't have held a recall election for this situation, it just proves they're looking for something more than a new governor.
At least it doesn't look like there are any goofy 80 year old recall laws in place in other states, and god forbid on the national level. Politics were getting out of hand before this recall buisness even got under way, and I really hope that whatever be the outcome of the situation in cali, it end's up positive.
Last I heard quite a few localities and states have recall or similar types of laws on the books, most of which have been forgotten about. I'm sure the Cali event will bring out more info on these as time goes on.

If done for the right reasons, it is a good thing. Regardless of what one may think, the voters decided to remove Davis, and install Arnold. So it shows unhappy people there, esp. with the large turnout.
Voted "No," Bustamante

From what I've seen of Arnold in the ONE debate he was in, and from what I've read on the website, I have a reason to be worried. Arnold has promised voters everything: that he can lower taxes, and still eliminate a deficit. I know that some things are going to get shafted here: what, however, we don't know.

And I go to a Cal State University, so I'm scared my classes will dwindle.
Originally posted by adambyte
From what I've seen of Arnold in the ONE debate he was in

You should know it doesn't always work to judge somebody by one appearance. You never know when somebody's going to have a bad day.

But then again you may be right...
Originally posted by chemistry_geek
I think this sets a dangerous precedent in politics and government. If the people dislike whoever is in office, just hold a recall election and get someone new in place - WRONG! The reason we have elections for governors every two years, senators every 6 years, and presidents every 4 years is to provide someone with a strategy and chance to improve the lives of Americans and make this country a better place to live. It's not like we elect a politician to office for life. If s/he can't do the job correctly or satisfactorily, vote in a new candidate, DON'T HOLD A RECALL ELECTION!

You wait and see, this will cause some problems in the future, mainly for the voters and instigated by the political parties. This recall election wasn't about a person doing a poor job in office, it's about gaining political control of an executive position of a state by a politcal party that can't wait one more year for a scheduled election. Oh, and one more thing, this doesn't just affect California, this affects national policy as there will be one more republican in the House of Representatives. Expect more Bush-pro policies to pass slightly easier.
This is precisely why I was (and am) against the recall. Despite everything we've gone through recently, Gray Davis didn't commit any illegal acts worthy of removal from office. Yes, he may or may not have done some stupid stuff (he did not cause the energy crisis, but he didn't handle it very well either), but that does not warrant the need for a recall.

Well, my mom just told me that my letter got in the paper this morning, which surprised me because I'd only sent it yesterday. I've attached a scan of it:


  • myletter.jpg
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