UH!, you are talking about Linux ...
OK Linux (all derivatives) has problems ... Solaris (SunOS) too ... and, speak clearly, even Mac OSX have problems (not talking about Windows ... too many times he windows software is written bad, and if a system driver is written bad ...)
Actually Linux is only the kernel written by Linus Torvalds (and others), the applications are GNU (open source, GPL) so to compile, try, test, etc... allt he things isn't easy and someone (RedHat, Mandrake, SUSE, etc ...) sell the user support.
Linux runs mainly on PC (x86) because thm are the most popular machines for the home users. More users means more hardware means more problems, but more users means even more developers so more solutions for the most common hardware/problems.
Apple has only limited (in numer) hardware confgurations so the problems are at min.
So don't blame that Linux has many problems (an windows too ... Sun is another problem itself...).
The GUI ... X11 ... OK ... X11 is the most common graphical server for the UNIX community ... X11 is not a gui!!!
Window managers are far less to be complete because the user needs are too many so became common the integrated environment like KDE and Gnome that are more than only WM ... they are more like programming interfaces!
So KDE and Gnome are more integrated but that has to be paid ... (less freedom to configure). (Gnome??? they can take gnome for themself , I don't like that!)
So now we have BSD?!?!?
NetBSD, OpenBSD, FreeBSD You know the difference????? (awaiting your response)
Talking of FreeBSD (the Mac OSX Kernel) we can say that WAS an optimized porting of NetBSD on x86 machines!!!!, but they made some porting on other processors like PPC ...
(the most beautiful aspect of BSD is that it has an "emulation" library for Linux, so you can execute Linux software on FreeBSD more faster than Linux native!!!)
The result is that *ALL* kernels are good ... MSDOS kernel is good, Windows Kernel is good, BSD kernel is good, Linux kernel is good, etc... but without software the kernel is of no use and software became a problem source!!
Do you want talk about GUI? OK Windows GUI (Explore) is very beautiful, usable, etc ... but is very fragile: every software of third part is able to "damage" the GUI.
KDE??? is quite good but difficult to setup (compared to Explorer) and has no user friendly support (i.e. cut&paste is a mess: you can do that at minimun in two different manners).
Gnome is more integrated, more beautiful graphics, more user friendly, more configurable, more ... more but require too much processor power (it's only used as UI!!!).
Aqua ... OK, I'll be gently ... I have to say that I don't like Aqua.
I'ts beautiful, colored, user friendly etc ... It's the most useful, complete, easy UI but do too many things in software (without using hardware acceleration).
Is my PERSONAL OPINION that a good compromise is KDE ... running KDE on FreeBSD (oooops I should say Mac OSX) is a good alternative.
Apple hardware is supported and tested so the sistem will "almost always" run well (OK I will not install the brand-new-mega- ultra-fast graphics card to play that blazing 3D game because there's no software driver, but who could??)
My answare is that there is nothing that I dislike about linux more than athers OS.
A la prochene foi_