what I missed at the keynote...


I know people had all sort of wild, unrealistic expectations for the expo keynote, but there were a couple of things I really thought would make the cut:

1. new cinema display - the current display is getting long in the tooth. I don't mean a total revamp, but the 15" and 17" displays have these cool "buttons" (like the cube), while the conema display still has regular buttons which look less and less appealing. Also, the resolution of the cinema display (1600 x 1024) is also getting long in the tooth. Other displays of this size have more pixels in the vertical direction. I would save my pennies for one, but the resolution is holding me back. Again, I don't think that there are drastic changes needed, I expected these two things to be updated at this expo. :(

2. some hint of QuickTime 6 - Maybe it is me, but it seems that QuickTime 6 has been talked about long enough. I would nto expect it to be announced, but I would have liked a roadmap for quicktime 6.

I'd love to hear about reasonable things people were expecting to hear about at the expo that did not make the cut.