In brief, a LANParty is a gathering of people who all bring their computers, play video games together on a network, and eat nachos. The first thing people (usually parents or spouses) immediately ask is: Why would you want to do that? A computer is an expensive (and heavy) piece of precision electronics, one whose performance is negatively impacted by the accidental introduction of nacho cheese in the open CDRom drawer. But the fact is, a LANParty is the most fun you can have with your machine. (Aside from surfing dirty pictures on the net.)
A LAN party is a all geek game blowout. Useually involving consuming redicoulously large amounts of cheap foods and downing gallons of coke. No sleep is included in mutli day events. Problems: Power grid, loss of eyesight, cessation of sub crainal brain activity. All together a whole lot of fun.