What port(s) does Aperture use for upload?


Chmod 760
Staff member
What port(s) does Aperture 2.x use for uploads to server (as in book orders)?
http://support.apple.com/kb/TS1629 does not list it and my google fu is weak today.
The spinning wheel progress isn't too verbose - upload shows first at 0 % then suddenly after it's all uploaded it going to 100 %.
But while waiting for the 0 % to progress at all.. I couldn't find the port specified anywhere. It has to be listed somewhere... even if it would be just 443...
I did this with little snitch




This is before the selection screen for the book loads though - i don't actually want to make an order!

I guess 443 for the setup and then 80 to uplaod the previews/files.
443 sounds good but 80?
I don't want to make another order to test what other would be listed after on the upload stage... it should be somewhere documented.
Yes, 443 for secured authentication, then regular ol' port 80 for the data transfer is what it looks like. There's no good reason not to use port 80 to transfer regular ol' data over the internet.

Using port 80 doesn't mean that the data is not encrypted in some fashion, though.

I tried in vain, as you did, to find something pertaining to this on Apple's site (and the rest of the 'net as well) and came up with zilch. I'm very tempted to believe ora's test revealed the pertinent and true information.