When are you online?


Ministry of Re-Education
Personally, I'm online everyday, for hours a day. My job and my freelance business dictates this. But I was wondering when other people are online. I know this poll will be slanted because I'm asking this question to computer people, who generally are online all the time, but I'm still curious.
I'm always online. Online for me means exchanging and processing information. This can happen on a desktop or laptop, on the phone (text and voice), or just plain talking to people in meetings. With my iBook I can get mail just about anywhere - the number of open unprotected access points is staggering. I know where some good ones are and I get in range get my mail and send responses and then move on.
I am offline when sleeping.
i am not online all the time :p Im on in the morning around 10am easternUS then i go to class and im not back online till about 10pm easternUS and then ill be on for hours in to the wee hours :D
Because I'm on the old 56k I'm only on when I need to be, so pretty much once daily for a few hours.
Most of the time here. Only when I go to training or hit the bed, I am offline. But hey, wait! My router is basically all the time online. All 24hours I get disconnected and it reconnects.
andychrist- LOL!
I'm on line all day most days as i work from home, but i think i only overlap with most people in my early morning/late evening because I'm in the UK. Kinda like us European members are the night shift.
Usually, if I'm not in class, or asleep, or at work, or watching TV, I'll be plopped in front of my iMac, and 99% of that time I'm online.

It gets lonely at nights when no one's on AIM/iChat, though... :(
The question should probably be, 'when are you NOT online?'.

A: Very rarely...
Broadband, work from home so always sat in front of my G4.

I see tides of different people come on-line and then go off again [either sleep, work et cetera]...
Hm, I have actually slept sometimes online .. browsing and then falling asleep at the computer :) .. but I've never been online when in shower ;)
Hmn...maybe there's a market for a 'shower terminal' then....?

Nice LCD, waterproof CPU, and Panther of course. It could be a shocking good time!
Giaguara said:
Hm, I have actually slept sometimes online .. browsing and then falling asleep at the computer :) .. but I've never been online when in shower ;)
Hehe... I've done that too. Though if I'm not careful, I'll fall out of my chair if I fall asleep, so sometimes I curl up under my desk with my headphones on, listening to an iTunes stream... :)